Acta Oeconomica Pragensia 2013, 21(4):69-85 | DOI: 10.18267/j.aop.411

Analysis of the Transformation of Selected Theatres - Allowance Organisations of the City of Prague

Jana ©vubová
Vysoká ąkola ekonomická v Praze, Národohospodářská fakulta (

This paper deals with the transformation of theatres - allowance organisations of the City of Prague. The whole issue is placed in a wider context of economic policy. The paper aims to evaluate the transformation using the example of selected theatres that have been transformed; the analysis also considers allowance organisations (The Municipal Theatres of Prague). The Grant System of the City of Prague was modified several times in the years 2007-2009; because of its importance for the functioning of (not only) the transformed organisations, the paper will shortly deal with its changes and successive forming too. The transformation was highly monitored by the mass media and the process was stopped after long disputes in September 2011. The goal of this paper is to summarise findings from the first (and currently last) phase of the transformation process, which could be used later in its potential completion. The "KAMF" model is used to analyse the financial situation of the theatres.

Keywords: cultural policy, allowance organisation, public subsidy
JEL classification: H40, H44, L32, L33, L38

Published: August 1, 2013  Show citation

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©vubová, J. (2013). Analysis of the Transformation of Selected Theatres - Allowance Organisations of the City of Prague. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia21(4), 69-85. doi: 10.18267/j.aop.411
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