Acta Oeconomica Pragensia 2007, 15(3):4-15 | DOI: 10.18267/j.aop.60

Moder Approaches in Contemporary Management

František Kovář
Prof. Ing. František Kovář, CSc.; Katedra managementu podnikatelské sféry, Fakulta managementu, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Jarošovská 1117/II, 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec, e-mail:

The aim of this article is to inform about the application of modern approaches into management, mainly management of change. Modern approaches involve the application of some ideas of system theory, some ideas of biology, cybernetics and entropy.

Keywords: general system theory, entropy, complexity, success model, economic organism
JEL classification: M10

Published: June 1, 2007  Show citation

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Kovář, F. (2007). Moder Approaches in Contemporary Management. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia15(3), 4-15. doi: 10.18267/j.aop.60
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