Politická ekonomie, 2008 (vol. 56), issue 1

Obory společenských věd: odluka nebo spolupráce?

Disciplines of social sciences: separation or cooperation?

János Kornai

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(1):5-16 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.627  

The author addresses the question of interdisciplinary studies based on his own experience. His negative experiences are confirmed by the results of a quantitative survey demonstrating that the proportion of citations from other disciplines is very low in four examined fields (economics, law, political science and sociology). But the overall picture is colored by positive examples: the theory of rational choice and game theory have broken the bounds of economics. Also multivariable regression analyses of time series of a large number of countries are not confined to economic phenomena. The spread of interdisciplinary studies is also shown in the way...

Politická ekonomie kursové politiky ve střední a východní evropě - odvětvový přístup

The political economy of exchange rate policy in central and east european countries - sector approach

Jaromír Šindel, Stanislav Šaroch

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(1):17-39 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.628  

The article solves the incentives to the different exchange rate arrangement choice during the transformation and integration period in the Central and East European countries. It follows with the analysis of the industry structure in these economies. It is discussed the existence of its direct and indirect channel of influencing the exchange rate politics. Article solves the hypothesis of interest group formation in regard to the exchange rate policy (the euro adoption) and the intergovernmental bargaining and the bargaining within the economy. The industry analysis results confirm the set hypothesis, in which the heterogeneity of industry structure...

Daňová optimalizace nadnárodních společností prostřednictvím vnitřních cen: přehled hlavních teoretických východisek a možných makroekonomických dopadů

Tax optimization of multinational firms through transfer pricing: a survey of main theoretical foundations and potential macroeconomic impacts

Filip Novotný

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(1):40-53 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.629  

If taxes are the same across countries and no tariffs are imposed on international trade, the optimal strategy of a multinational firm is to set transfer prices at marginal costs of its affiliated firms. But in reality we observe trade tariffs and tax differences among countries which lead multinational firms to deviate transfer prices from marginal costs. Multinationals use transfer prices in order to increase profits in affiliates which are located in low tax countries at the expense of affiliates which are located in high tax countries. I demonstrate on a sample of EU countries that the lower the tax rate in a country the higher the profitability...

Školné či dotace? (simulace s modely systému vysokých škol)

Tuitions or subsidies? (simulations with models of the university system)

Tomáš Cahlík, Jiří Hlaváček, Jana Marková

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(1):54-66 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.630  

The impact of different financing alternatives on two simple models of the university system is analysed in this paper. Both models are agent - based, the reason is that we analyse a system of heterogeneous universities instead of a representative university. Models differ in the rules for the decision-making of universities. In the first - optimising model - each university in each period maximalizes the probability of survival, control variables are the income of universities and the salary of teachers. In the second model we implicitly assume constrained rationality or shortage of relevant information and each university in each period reacts according...

Budoucnost Evropské unie v kontextu nového regionalismu

Future of the European Union within the new regionalism context

Eva Cihelková, Pavel Hnát

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(1):67-79 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.631  

Future of the European Union and its future directions should be the most important subject of the European Studies, which combine studies of Economy, Political Science, International Relations and other disciplines to study the European Integration Process in its complexity. This applies especially today, when the EU faces a huge amount of internal and external pressures. In stead, the European Studies, often focus on studying and analysing the current stage of European Integration Process and its historical development; they take it as it is, and as if its future depended only on the interaction between particular levels of it multi-level governance....

Penzijní reforma v ČR: konverze ke kombinovanému systému s ohledem na limity fiskální politiky

Pension reform in the Czech republic: a switch to mixed system with regard for limits of fiscal policy

David Marek

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(1):80-101 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.632  

The Czech Republic is going to face ageing of its population. It will affect the economy in many ways. The pension system is one of them. This paper provides a view on possibilities how to insure long-term stability of the pension system in the Czech Republic using a mix of pay-as-you-go and fully funded system. Simulations are based on OLG model, long-term demographic forecast and limits of fiscal policy stemming from the necessity to fulfill Maastricht criteria and The Stability and Growth Pact. Those obligations creates a frontier for plausible solutions. Results suggest that it is possible to find a solution for mixed system providing more favorable...

Proč přechod průběžného penzijního systému na fondový nijak nesouvisí s demografickým vývojem?

Why a switch from payg to funded pension system has no link to demographic development?

Jan Kubíček

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(1):102-122 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.633  

The paper deals with a wide-spread myth that a switch from a PAYG to a funded pension system might solve adverse consequences of the population aging. It is shown, that under additional assumptions the pension debt (which is created during the process of the switch) is exactly equal to the value of assets that the pension funds accumulate. These additional assumptions are following: government imposes additional taxes, which are equal to the difference between the contributions to the former PAYG system and the contributions to the pension funds. Therefore workers contribute less to the pension funds but if the additional taxes are taken into account,...