Politická ekonomie, 2012 (vol. 60), issue 1


Bude americký dolar nadále dominantní světovou rezervní měnou?

Will Us Dollar Continue as the World Most Important Reserve Currency?

Kamil Janáček, Luboš Komárek

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):3-19 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.829  

The article aims to show both the still very strong position of the USD in the global financial system and assess its likely future position. It illustrates that although the U.S. is no longer the dominant global economic power that it was when the dollar became the global reserve currency, the dollar so far is not in immediate danger of losing its privileged position. Despite the challenges facing the USD as the global reserve currency, it continues its dominant role since no other currency has shown itself strong and credible enough to replace it. Considerations on replacing dollar with other currency are no more than a speculation.

Politická ekonomie zahraniční obchodní politiky - instituce, regulace, sociální a politický kontext

Political Economy of Trade Policy - Institutions, Regulation, Social and Political Context

Oldřich Krpec, Vladan Hodulák

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):20-39 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.830  

This paper aims to contribute to the theoretical discussion of free trade and protectionism in international trade within the context of International political economy. Presented approach broadens the standard political economy view of trade policy and goes beyond the redistribution consequences and the political consideration of policy makers. Our interpretation of trade policy works with broader economic values and preferences of individual actors and understands the nation state and its policies as institutions. Social, cultural and historical context is taken into consideration, when interpreting the trade policy. More complex understanding of...

Mandatorní výdaje a flexibilita fiskální politiky v ČR

Mandatory Expenditure and the Flexibility of Fiscal Policy in the Czech Republic

Vojtěch Roženský

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):40-57 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.831  

This paper deals with the development of mandatory expenditure and its effect on the flexibility of fiscal policy in the Czech Republic. Fiscal flexibility is measured by the Steuerle-Roeper index of fiscal democracy, which expresses the proportion of budgetary revenue that remains after covering mandatory expenditure, i.e. the proportion of resources available for discretionary spending. The lower the value of the index, the lower the flexibility of fiscal resources. A negative value indicates that tax revenue is not sufficient to cover mandatory expenditure and the government has no resources available for discretionary spending. The analysis of...

Daně z příjmů versus daň z přidaní hodnoty v malé otevřené ekonomice

Taxes on income vs. value added tax in small open economy

Tomáš Buus

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):58-80 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.832  

In this paper we are presenting an analysis of shift of tax burden from income onto consumption. The analyzed consumption tax is value added tax, while destination principle is applied. The result of analysis is finding that the contemporary tax policy in the Czech Republic is suboptimal from the point of view of tax burden distribution between production factors and consumption. Theoretical findings are confirmed by analysis of data from European countries. Every percentage above the EU27 average of consumption taxes share on total tax quota results into increase of GDP growth by 0,04% to 0,05% p.a. The Czech political "elite" determines the fiscal...

Dopad investičních pobídek na objem investic v České republice

The Effect of Investment Incentives on Investment in Czech Republic

Peter Bolcha, Alena Zemplinerová

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):81-100 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.833  

The policy of investment incentives is applied in majority of countries all over the world. This popularity is in contradiction with rare academic analyses. This paper sheds some light on causal impact of such policy on investment of supported firms in Czech Republic. We use individual level panel data containing crucial observables about the firm behaviour. We overcome the selection problem by application of propensity score matching. Our comparison of investment behaviour of supported firms and firms from control group shows that the extra investment generated (or maybe only accelerated) was at most 26% of contracted amounts. Even with constraints...

Copyright a právo na překlad: ekonomická analýza

Copyright and the Right to Translation: An Economic Analysis

Pavol Minárik

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):101-112 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.834  

This paper examines two rules concerning translation right as a part of copyright - the existing rule which gives an author or a copyright owner control over the translation of his works and a new rule that removes the translation right from the copyright owner. It adopts the approach of Gordon (1992) and evaluates these rules using the concept of asymmetric market failure and a gametheoretic framework. In each case, conditions are stated


Ekonomické aspekty stárnutí populace ve vyspělých zemích

Economic Aspects of Population Ageing in Developed Countries

Luboš Smrčka, Markéta Arltová

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):113-132 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.826  

The issue of ageing is usually understood as a cultural and social problem in the developed countries. When addressed by economists, demographic questions are most frequently related to the pension reform or to the costs of healthcare. However, the effects of demographic change on productivity have to be examined, too. Will the economies be able to maintain the necessary amount of immigrants, so that the number of people in productive age does not decrease? Though the world population will keep increasing for some time, it will be happening at a much slower pace. The age structure issue will become apparent only with a minor delay in the developed...

From scientific life

Přehodnocení role státu v ekonomice

Rethinking the Role of State in Economy

Vratislav Izák

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):133-137 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.827  

Nositelé Nobelovy ceny za ekonomii pro rok 2011

Nobe Prize in Economics 2011 Winners

Pavel Sirůček

Politická ekonomie 2012, 60(1):138-144 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.828