Politická ekonomie, 2000 (vol. 48), issue 2


Monetaristický model měnového kurzu a jeho aplikace na českou ekonomiku

A monetary model of the exchange rate and its application to the czech economy

Jan Vejmělek

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.127

This paper will discuss problems of the floating exchange rate and consists of two parts. In the first theoretical part, a model of exchange rate in the spirit of monetary approach is described, which was developed mainly in the seventies. The explanation is based on the simple model of the exchange rate, which assume absolute capital mobility and flexibility of all prices in the economy. In that simple model, money demand and money supply determine the exchange rate. The level of exchange rate is decided by different developments of money supply in domestic and foreign economies, by a different level of output in domestic and foreign economies and...

Modelování cenových očekávání a analýza jejich vlivu na trh

Price expectations modelling and analysis of its influence on the market

Jiří Hron

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.128

In this article is developed a market model which takes account of price expectations. The model is based on simple assumptions and its properties are mathematically deduced. The demand-supply analysis is enlarged by uncertainty and the influence of price expectations. The price volatility is explained by distribution of price expectations of the market agents. The article also examines influence of the presence of deterministic agents among stochastic ones on market price uncertainty. There is random variable in the model which describes a volume of the market exchange. This random variable is not dependent on distribution of price expectations.

Jaké jsou náklady a výnosy privatizace?

What are the costs and benefits of privatization?

Marek Kapička

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.129

The article analyzes the issue of privatization from theoretical point of view. An incomplete contracts approach is used in the analysis. Formal model is presented, showing how contractual incompleteness affects the extent of restructuring. The conclusion is, that if the government cannot commit not to subsidize the firm in exchange for higher production, restructuring effort will be lower than optimal. The reason is that higher restructuring decreases future subsidies. The government thus creates soft budget constraint for the owner. However, privatization improves upon state ownership. If we introduce partial privatization, more complicated governance...

Vývoj trhu práce z regionálního hlediska

The development of labour market from regional point of view

Ivana Leitmanová

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.130

Particular counties of Czech Republic differ as a result of diverse historical, natural, demographic and economic features. These divergencies are reflected on labour market not only in different employment, unemployment rate and average wages etc., but subsequently also in differentiated share of economicaly poor households, in relation to differentiated duration of unemployment, respectively working inability. The new regional and public administration breakdown should enable even more detailed view of regional differences on labour market. It should serve as a basis for application of appropriate instruments and measures in particular county.

Řízení jakosti na přelomu tisíciletí

Quality management at the turn of millenium

Martin Matušů

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.131

Nowadays, many our organizations try to be successful on world markets. They meet with stiff competition in which satisfied customer has increasingly important role, besides a product able to compete and reasonable prices in corresponding class. Realization of such a product demands perfect control of processes and activities in all areas of an establishment. At present, well-though-out and systematic care about quality is natural demand on realization of business aim. Worldwide, ISO 9000 standard becomes a pattern of standards for quality systems. In this paper, three basic conceptions of the security of quality in organization with emphasis on the...

Postavenie Japonska v globalizačných procesoch vo svetovom hospodárstve

The Japan chance in globalization of international business

Peter Baláž

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.132

The serious economic problems that Japan is facing in last five years are different from those having faced in the past. They are based on least three factors. The first reason of it are the structural problems: most of them previously acted been positively factors in post-war performance of Japan's economy (structure of the industry, export promotion, tax system, interest rate-policy of the banks, etc.) The second groups of these factors consist of unfavourable impact of cyclical factors (businessboom-recession), bad loan problem consisting of the mid-term bubble position of the Japan banking system and its potential risks. There is also neccessary...

From scientific life

Bankovní institut vysoká škola

Institute for banking, University

František Jirásek

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.133

Vysoká škola hotelová

Hotel management college

Jiří Jindra

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.134

From economic literature

Proces globalizace v pojetí G. Sorose

Globalization process in G. Soros's view

Ladislav Hájek

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.135

Originální pohled na transformaci českého bankovnictví

Original view of czech banking sector transformation

Roman Matoušek

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.136

Keynes stále aktuální

For ever up-to-date Keynes

Pavel Sirůček

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.137

Co, kolik, kdy, kam a jak investovat

František Ducheček

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.138

Povinná studijní pomůcka pro podnikatele, ekonomy a manažery

Jiří Dědina

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.139

Moderní přístupy a metody v řízení výroby

Jiří Jelínek

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.140


Valné shromáždění České společnosti ekonomické

General assembly of the Czech Economic Aassociation


Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2)

Zpráva o činnosti České společnosti ekonomické od 18. listopadu 1997 do 30. listopadu 1999

Pavel Kysilka

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.119

Je nutná korekce ekonomické transformace?

Pavel Kysilka

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.120

Jak lépe monitorovat veřejné rozpočty

Vladimír Kreidl

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.121

Zpráva revizní komise o hospodaření ČSE


Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2)

Zápis volební komise o průběhu voleb na valném shromáždění České společnosti ekonomické


Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2)

Usnesení valného shromáždění České společnosti ekonomické, konaného dne 30. listopadu 1999 v Praze


Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2)

Zápis ze schůze představenstva České společnosti ekonomické, konané 7. prosince 1999


Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2)

Cíle a úkoly Vysoké školy ekonomické

Goals and tasks of the University of Economics, Prague

Jaroslava Durčáková, Milan Žák

Politická ekonomie 2000, 48(2) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.126