Politická ekonomie, 2008 (vol. 56), issue 2

Intertemporální přístup k platební bilanci: vztah míry úspor a míry investic v bohatých, chudých a tranzitivních ekonomikách

Intertemporal approach to the balance of payments: relationship between savings and investments in the rich, poor and transition countries

Josef C. Brada, Martin Mandel, Vladimír Tomšík

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(2):147-161 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.634  

The paper analyses the intertemporal approach to the balance of payments which is based on the intertemporal approach to the relation between domestic saving and investment. A key element of the presented analysis is whether world capital mobility is high enough to hold a condition that the relation between the domestic saving and investment in a country could vary. The paper contributes to this economic theory by the empirical analysis carried out with a large sample of countries as well as by the analysis of saving and investment distinguishing the set of developed, poor, and transition countries. The paper defines and empirical verifies macroeconomic...

Udržitelnost veřejných financí a dynamická efektivnost

Public finance sustainability and dynamic efficiency

Vratislav Izák

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(2):162-181 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.635  

In the last years there has been a growing discrepancy between gross domestic product and gross disposable income (more than a double of government budget deficit in 2006)in favour of non-residents. The difference between the real interest rate and the rate of growth of GDP has been negative in 2000-2006 and is expected to be negative in the near future suggesting that even a small deficit in primary budget balance can stabilize the debt ratio (30 % of GDP). But in a world of uncertainty even in the Czech republic the capital sector is on net a spout and not a sink (the profit rate has been higher than the investment rate in 1995-2008). Hence the czech...

Státní podpora podniků a konkurenceschopnost odvětví

Competitiveness and state aid to enterprises

Alena Zemplinerová, Patrik Paneš

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(2):182-195 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.636  

This paper attempts to contribute to the analysis of links between state aid and competitiveness of manufacturing industries during 1998-2002. Statistical source on subsidies include all subsidies to capital gathered on enterprise level by Czech Statistical Office. The enterprise data have been aggregated by economic activity on 3digit level and competitiveness was defined as adjusted market shares of 3digit industries. Competitiveness on domestic markets is defined as the share of industry output sold on domestic market on the total domestic demand and competitiveness on the European market is defined as the share of industry export to EU market on...

Byrokratická bariéra kvality regulace

Bureaucratic constraint of the quality of regulation

Lenka Gregorová, Milan Žák

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(2):196-228 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.637  

The paper analyzes an important part of the institutional quality - regulation and studies relation between the regulatory environment and the bureaucratic barriers. The analysis is based on theoretical models of the comparative institutional economics. In the paper, we discuss possibilities of measurement and evaluation of regulation and bureaucracy. We compare the quality of regulatory environment in the EU-25 countries for which we construct specific index. Given principles of the good regulation we characterize basic determinants of the regulatory environment and we try to evaluate how these principles are fulfilled in countries of the EU-25. Additionally,...

Hirschovo číslo a žebříčky českých ekonomů

Hirsch index and rankings of czech economists

Martin Macháček, Eva Kolcunová

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(2):229-241 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.638  

The article contributes to the growing body of literature dealing with the bibliometric evaluation of the Czech economic research. In particular, this article introduces a recently invented measure of both the scientific output and impact - the Hirsch index (h) - into the Czech academic economics. While the theoretical part of the article contains a discussion of the strenghts and weaknesses of the Hirsch approach, the empirical part presents two original top50s of the Czech economists ranked by their individual h's. The first of our charts comes from the Web of Science's General Search dataset, and the second one reflects the use of the Web of Science's...

Bližší pohled na užitek maximalizovaný ekonomickými subjekty

A closer look at utility maximised by economic agents

Michal Skořepa

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(2):242-256 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.639  

The relatively new stream of research on various types of utilities is reviewed and discussed together with some of its implications. The distinction is explained among experienced utility, remembered utility and predicted utility as three candidates for decision utility. Examples of selected empirical findings are given which show discrepancies, first, between past experienced utility and remembered utility and, second, between predicted utility and actual future experienced utility. Some critical reactions to the findings are briefly mentioned as well as implications for the debate on some important moral issues such as paternalism and HIV testing....

O výpočte fiškálneho dopadu investičnej podpory

On calculus of fiscal impact of investment incentives

Peter Bolcha

Politická ekonomie 2008, 56(2):257-274 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.640  

The paper focuses on selective investment incentives. The main aim is to discuss question how to quantify net fiscal impact properly. As shown, the problem is not trivial - the proper quantification presupposes using of several parameters, accounting of costs in the economic sense of this word (i.e. also opportunity costs) and using concept of present value. Including these aspects in the calculation would correct some extremely optimistic scenarios (of studies concerning Czech economy), which claim, that fiscal incentives yield significantly high net surplus to the state budget. The parameter representing the ability of incentives to attract investors...