Politická ekonomie, 2010 (vol. 58), issue 3


Hodnocení veřejných projektů z hlediska společenské míry diskontace

Evaluation of Public Projects from the Viewpoint of Social Rate of Discount

Jan Kubíček, Leoš Vítek

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):291-304 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.731  

A social rate of discount is an important variable for cost-benefit analysis. Its size can be crucial for an approval (or disapproval) of the project under evaluation, therefore it is important to have a theoretically founded estimate of the discount rate. There are two main approaches to estimating the social rate of discount. The first one is a so called social time preference rate (STPR), which is composed of three components: pure time preference, mortality rate and a component reflecting secular growth of per capita consumption and wealth. We agree with other authors that although pure time preference is not in reality zero for individuals due...

Gravitační a fiskální modely státní podpory exportních úvěrů v České republice

Gravity and Fiscal Models of Government Support of Export Credit in the Czech Republic

Karel Janda, Eva Michalíková, Věra Potácelová

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):305-325 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.732  

The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade shows that the credit support provided by specialized government agency, Czech Export Bank, has a positive but statistically weak influence on export. The other determinants of the Czech export in our model are GDP, distance, gross fixed capital formation, and policy risk. The comparison of estimated tax revenues from the supported projects with government subsidies provided to the Czech Export Bank shows that export promotion does not create a financial burden for the government budget. The budgetary costs of export...

Rovnovážnost cen nemovitostí v České republice

Equilibrium Development of Housing Prices in the Czech Republic

Michal Hlaváček, Luboš Komárek

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):326-342 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.733  

This article, based on an empirical analysis, discusses factors affecting property prices and tries to identify periods of property price overvaluation in the Czech Republic. To achieve this, the article uses both relatively simple approach using ratios related to the house prices (e.g. price-to-rent or price-to-income indicators) as well as international comparison and more advanced econometrical approach. Within this econometrical approach we apply both time series analysis for the Czech Republic as a whole and panel regression for the Czech regions. This analysis identifies overvalued property prices in 2002-2003 and 2007-2008. In 2007-2008, however,...

Analýza vlivu míry konkurence na cenu rozsáhlých staveb dopravní infrastruktury

The Analysis of the Relationship Between the Rate of Competition and the Prices of Large Transport Infrastructure Buildings

Jan Pavel

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):343-356 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.734  

The paper is dealing with the problem of relationship between the rate of competition and final prices in the public procurement. This issue is analysed on the sector of infrastructure buildings in the Czech Republic. The main goal of the paper is to verify the relevance of the hypothesis, that there is a negative relationship between the number of bidders and the final prices. The paper is divided into five main parts. The main theoretical fundaments of the analyses are described in the first part, where the results of relevant sources are summarized as well. Next part highlights the system of financing the transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic...

Antidiskriminační zákon a jeho ekonomické a právní souvislosti z pohledu liberální ekonomie

Antidiscrimination Act and Its Economic and Legal Connections from the Liberal Economic View

Dagmar Brožová

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):357-373 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.735  

The article deals with sex discrimination prohibition in the European community law as well as in the Czech law and it describes antidiscrimination juridical practise in the Czech Republic. It judges selected institutes of the antidiscrimination act from the point of view of their economic consequences. It shows to which behaviour the economic subjects are forced and analyses whether this behaviour is in accordance with economic rules of market economy, with principle of private property and free choices. It pays attention to equal opportunities and affirmative action as measures to ensure them, and the institute of burden of proof transfer to the...


Mikroekonomické základy reprodukčního rozhodování

Microeconomic Foundations of Reproductive Behaviour

Marek Loužek

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):374-391 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.736  

The paper is concerned with the microeconomic foundations of fertility, analyzing three approaches: the Chicago approach, the Pennsylvanian approach and Julian Simon's approach. The paper highlights the Chicago tradition that perceives children as either consumer goods or capital goods. The approach of Julian Simon to fertility in developing countries is discussed. The article assumes that people decide about their children rationally.


Problém měření a hodnocení individuální vědecké výkonnosti

The Problem of Measurement and Evaluation of Individual Scientific Productivity

Markéta Arltová

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):392-401 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.737  

Publications in foreign or domestic scientific journals are an important part of research output. And so is the citation feedback on these publications, which is done by other scientists in this field of science. One of the tools which can effectively and impartially evaluate the publication and citation level of a scientist is the h-index. The groundwork for its calculation is drawn on the most prestigious citation and publication database which is Web of Science. What is the quality of the records in this database and what are the other problems than can occur while using it? This paper describes all that and much more.

Josef Macek mezi liberálním socialismem a sociálním liberalismem (Podnět k diskusi nad liberálním aspektem Mackova myšlení)

Josef Macek Between Liberal Socialism and Social Liberalism

Martin Polášek

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):402-418 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.738  

My article is an impetus for a discussion on liberal aspect of the thinking of social democratic politician and economist Josef Macek (1887-1972). In the first part I define Macek's approach to liberalism (his understanding of the basic notions, concept of the relationship between an individual and the society, idea of the relationship between socialism and liberalism and his interpretation of Adam Smith). My conclusion is that though Macek was a conscious socialist and he had limitations in respect to libertarian interpretation of the classic liberalism of the 19th century, he was at the same time to a considerable extent influenced by liberalism...

From scientific life

Elinor Ostrom - nositelka nobelovy ceny za ekonomii a její přínos pro ekonomii životního prostředí

Lenka Slavíková, Jiřina Jílková, Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(3):419-423 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.739