Politická ekonomie, 1997 (vol. 45), issue 4


Stav ekonomické transformace zemí střední Evropy z hlediska vstupu do Evropské unie - vědecký seminář

State of Central European Economic Transformation from the Standpoint of Entering EU - Scientific Seminar


Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(4):473-532

V lednu a v březnu 1997 se dožili významného životního jubilea - 70 let - dva přední profesoři fakulty sociálních věd UK Praha, Luděk Urban a Karel Kouba. Institut ekonomických studií FSV UK ve spolupráci s Českou společností ekonomickou se rozhodl oslavit toto výročí pracovně, společným seminářem. Redakce Politické ekonomie i organizátoři doufají, že přednesené příspěvky vzbudí zájem a pozornost širší čtenářské obce. In January and March 1997 two prominent economist Luděk Urban a Karel Kouba lived to life anniversary. The Institute of Economic Studies FSS CU Prague with co-operation of Czech Economic Association decided to celebrate the anniversary...

Vývoj platební bilance ČR v období 1990-1996 pohledem modelu IS-LM-BP

Balance of Payments Development in the CR between 1990-1996 Through IS-LM-BP Model

Martin Mandel, Vladimír Tomšík

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(4):533-547 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.290

The year 1996 was in sign of deepen unbalance in external relationships. The paper is a try to summarise problem of current account of balance payment primarily with coherence to monetary and fiscal policy last years. The first part depicted hitherto development after 1989 in Czech economy with use of IS-LM-BP model. The second part is a complement to the first part and main concern is present inflation in the Czech Republic and deficit of current account from structural view.

Návrh segmentů strukturálního makroekonomického modelu České republiky

Project of Segments of Structural Macroeconomic Model of the Czech Republic

Luboš Komárek

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(4):548-562 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.291

The paper proposes to contribution of solution of fundamental task standing in front of present applied macroeconomic how to construct possible structural segments of the Czech Republic. At first author identified general and specific factors of macroeconomic modelling in the Czech economy, after it partial suggestions of macroeconomics equations correspond with particular sectors. As first is analyses real sector, than monetary and as third foreign sector. Consequently author discusses behaviour of central bank, public and foreign debt, price equations and Phillips curve.

Privatizace obecních bytů v Maďarsku

The Privatisation of Hungary's Public Housing

Zsuzsa Dániel

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(4):563-580 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.292

A major part of Hungarian public housing during privatisation transform to private housing. Most of renters who bought apartments hoped to obtain finance advantage and guaranty which private property offers. The paper has an aspiration to illuminate if the hopes became true. It considering a cost of renovation, what the new owner gets with private apartments and which cost should pay. The paper also deals with new legislation in housing and how to reduce a losses to them how are in critic housing situation.


Bohatství národů Adama Smithe II.

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations II.

Robert Holman

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(4):581-591 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.293

The item finishes the first part of article which was published in Politická ekonomie 1997, č.3 and focusing the theory of value and distribution.

Modelování dynamických procesů - problém dat

Modelling of Dynamic Processes - Problems with Data

Václava Pánková

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(4):592-602 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.294

A major part of econometric studies is relating to events during time thus a data in time series bring specifics problems: serial correlation, seasons variations, seeming regression and bear on the problems of co-integration and unit roots. The econometric model is formulated with respect to relevant economic theory. Its parameters are estimated with base in data which were generated by economic process and our information about its is imperfect. It appears that economic theory has not enough predicate ability to find e.g. an existence of adapting processes, decides which parameters are exogenous, constant or irrelevant.