Politická ekonomie, 2001 (vol. 49), issue 4


Odhad potenciálního produktu a produkční mezery v České republice

Estimate of potential output and output gap in the Czech Republic

Mojmír Hájek, Vladimír Bezděk

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.320

The article describes the estimate of potencial output and output gap in the Czech economy on the macroeconomic level for the period 1991 - 1999 and forecasted years 2000 and 2001. Two methods are used. The first is the application of Hodrick - Prescott filter to yearly and quarterly data of real GDP. The second one is Cobb-Douglas production function with technological progress, using yearly data about real GDP, stock of capital and labour. In the case of production function three variants of

External factors in czech disinflation (dynamic analysis)

Vratislav Izák

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.321

The paper has examined the impact of both internal and external factors on the net inflation in the Czech Republic in the time horizon 1995:1 - 2000:12. The framework of the analysis are the extended Phillips curve models. Cross correlograms of stationary data (first differences of year-on-year changes) have revealed by far the decisive role of external factors (import prices, import prices-group 3, nominal effective exchange rate). To reveal the correct temporal linkage between these variables on the one side and the inflation rate on the other side the distributed lag models (finite and polynomial) have been constructed and evaluated. Impulse response...

Alternativy stabilizační politiky

The alternative goals of the stabilization policy

Igor Kotlán

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.322

This article presents the alternative goals of the central bank during the realization of the economic policy. The central bank can set the inflation or the economic cycle. Highly independent central banks (European Central Bank, Czech National Bank etc.) set the inflation, it means they minimise the inflation variability. Dependent central banks make us the Phillips curve and set the economic cycle. It means they minimise the output gap variability. If the central bank follows the inflation variability, the society must tolerate the output gap variability and on the contrary low output gap variability leads to high inflation variability. There is...

Intenzita a kvalitativní charakteristiky strukturálních změn v tranzitivních ekonomikách

Intensity and qualitative characteristics of structural changes in transition economies

Anna Kadeřábková, Martin Srholec

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.323

The paper presents alternative analytical approaches to evaluation of structural changes in selected transition economies (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia). The analysis starts from the comparison of intensity of structural changes, as an introductory (quantitative) concept measuring structural adjustment capacity. Besides the intensity of structural changes, the need for developing adequate tools evaluating the qualitative aspects of structural changes has been stressed. The analysis starts from presentation of alternative theoretical concepts of technology change, with special regard to its industry and firm specific aspects....

Matematický model restrukturalizace odvětví a firmy

A mathematical model of sector/firm restructuralization

Martin Dlouhý

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.324

We show that sector/firm restructuralization can be seen as the problem of mathematical programming. If the prices of inputs or outputs are not known, the information on technical efficiency may be used instead of economic efficiency. Data envelopment analysis is used to evaluate the technical efficiency of units. We present the use of method on hospital restructuralization. We used data on hospitals from selected Czech region and ask the DEA/Knapsack model to determine which departments should be closed.

Má stát právo považovat Microsoft za monopolní firmu?

Does the state have the right to consider Microsoft to be a monopoly?

Lubomír Lízal

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.325

This article deals with computer operating systems, their common features with classical monopolistic industries containing a natural monopoly element, and the right of the state to regulate monopolies according the philosophic principles of utilitarianism and laissez-faire. An analogy between operating system and infrastructure of network industry is presented. Fixed costs of building an infrastructure and the writing of a program are similar; they are indivisible and sunk. The marginal costs of maintaining the infrastructure and program licensing are low. Operating systems bear all identical features that define natural monopolies. The owner of an...

Oceňování kvality životního prostředí - porovnání stanovených a odhalených preferencí

Valuing of environmental quality - stated and revealed preferences comparison

Hana Švejdarová, Ján Mišovič

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.326

Economic valuation of natural resources and the quality of the environment is gaining importance in environmental protection in the Western countries. A wide variety of non-market valuation methods has been developed for this purpose. The contingent valuation method, which is based on stated preferences, has a special position among the group of preference methods. Its validity has been tested many times with contradictory results. In the CR, there is hardly any experience with non-market valuation methods. Two case studies performed on representative samples of the Czech population, both of them dealing with ground water quality, are described. An...


Cíle firmy a limity jejího růstu - postkeynesovská alternativa ekonomie hlavního proudu

Targets of a company and limitations of its growth - post-keynesian alternative to the economics of the main stream

Pavel Kuneš

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.327

There are many interesting issues within Post-Keynesian stream that are worth noticing and reviewing even by those economists who tend to decline notions raised by Keynes. Among others it is the theory of the firm, which deserves attention. If we adopt the notion of uncertainty about our future we are forced to tackle the economic reality in quite a different way. It is crucial for the economic system to sustain competitiveness, however, there are natural drifts for the firms to get larger and thus stronger in their everyday life. Discussions over these and other issues carried out by Post-Keynesians should not miss attention of general economic public...

Laboretismus - specifický směr českého ekonomického myšlení

Laboretism - the specific way of czech economic thought

Jan Máče

Politická ekonomie 2001, 49(4) | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.328

Term laboretism was based on composition of two words - labor and ethos (moral). This is the Czech school of economic thought from the period of the 1920s and 1930s. The major representative of this school Václav Verunáč published the first thesis of the laboretism in 1926. The prominent group of the intelectuals from many disciplines accepted this new theory. They was oriented to position of work people in society. At same time this group was trying to find a resolution for social problem by the social compromise, based on moral values of European society. They was trying to anticipate the growing up of the social tensions. The main idea of this line...