Politická ekonomie, 1997 (vol. 45), issue 6


Cenová liberalizace v České republice: šoková terapie versus postupné uvolňování cen

Price Liberalization in the Czech Republic: Shock Therapy versus Gradual Price Deregulation

Jan Hanousek, Libor Krkoška

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):771-779 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.304

Reform of the price system is a keystone of transition to a market economy. In all Visegrad countries, competition was introduced quite successfully through price liberalisation, removal of customs barriers and reduction of subsidies. Technically price liberalisation is easy to implement: the government simply announces that all agents can set their own prices from a certain date. The problem is political: necessary price liberalisation leads to income redistribution, and political and social frictions. In order to prevent a sharp rise in inflation, any resetting of prices has to be complemented by certain steps. Namely, a competitive environment should...

K analýze a predikci indexu spotřebitelských cen

About Analysis and Forecast of Consumer Price Index

Josef Kozák, Richard Hindls

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):780-790 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.305

The analysis of time series of consumer price index offers a many questions bear on elimination of impact outlying observations thus with forecast construction. From statistical point of view development of consumer price index is very complicated owing to administration steps which disturbs a stochastic structure of its behaviour. Is it possible in the circumstances construct stochastic forecast or at least to modify it? Was not more useful to construct the forecast not by default? The article offer one, not by default, way.

Vliv pružné monetární politiky na krátkodobou dynamiku ekonomiky

Influence of the Flexible Monetary Policy on the Short-term Dynamics of Economy

Serhan Ciftcioglu

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):791-803 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.306

The paper presents the short-term dynamics analysis of price level, production and exchange rate in pattern of dynamic model. The model includes time delaying in dynamic answer on demand of production as well supply price of domestic production with regard to changes in real exchange rate, costs in domestic currency on imported input, price level and inertia of production. At first there is presented the model of small open economy including the features mentioned above, consequently the attention is dedicated to immediate influences of every type of disturbance and at the end there are shown analytical results representing delaying disturbance influences.

Segmentační tendence a procesy na trhu práce v České republice

Segmentation Tendencies and Processes on the Labour Market in the Czech Republic

Tomáš Sirovátka

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):804-816 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.307

The economic transformation spreads the free market processes and changes including labour market whose effects are unemployment. In the Czech Republic the unemployment rate is very low and discussion about Czech labour market leads to reflections if free market affects the labour market. The high unemployment rate in the EU is explained by specific characteristics of labour market and also by "duality" of labour market which generates high specific and long time unemployment in some category. Is it be possible that the tendencies of this kind can be found in the Czech labour market? Does cohere the present or absent these characteristic with universal...

Standardní makroekonomické modely a jejich aplikace na podmínky české ekonomiky v letech 1993-1996

Standard Macroeconomic Model and their Application to the Conditions of the Czech Economy in 1993-1996

Luboš Komárek

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):817-835 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.308

The goal of article is application of universal, by default use macroeconomic models to the conditions of the Czech economy. In chronological sense thus analyse the alternative corrections some macroeconomics relationships on which among Czech economist enduring controversial opinions. The stress lays on application position mainly in suggestion connecting through graphic positions. The first part defined some base resources necessary for following model constructions, consequently follow a chronological development of economic policy in the Czech republic until 1993 with focusing on internal and external analyse of balance. The end is dedicated to...

Reforma penzijního systému

Pension System Reform

Vladimír Kreidl

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):836-861 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.309

In the last years the foreign economists started to write many articles about impact of pension system on economy. The pension system can affect not even income but also behaviour of labour and capital market, long run growth and other economic indicators. The text is focusing on present crisis of PAYGO system and influences on economy. Part two is dedicated to possible new form of pension system based on multi source insure in retirement. As pillars of new system are suggest private pillar, state pillar and complementary save. Part three offer some positive effects of pension reform to better acting of labour market, capital market and increase of...

Financování nemocnic: léta devadesátá

Financing of Hospitals in the Nineties

Martin Dlouhý

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):862-868 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.310

The sum of finance resources intended to health care depends on national economy. If a health care cannot obtain new finance from external resources than is necessary eliminate a waste within health care. The text describes basic refunds of health care: fee for service, lump payment, DRG, contracting contract and budget financing. The practice is more difficult. The base systems are mutually combined and therefore every system is unique. The end is about Czech health care financing.


Aplikace opční metodologie na odhady hodnoty a jmění firem

Applications of Option Pricing Methodology to the Valuation of Company Assets

Zdenek Sid Blaha, Irena Jindřichovská

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):869-882 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.311

For the valuation of company assets were developed three ways mutually not excludable. In real life we can find an events when analytical prefers one of them. In a finance literature we often find a cases when e.g. form reason of compatibility are applied two or even three methodology at once. Applications of option pricing methodology to the valuation of company assets is base on conditional, contingent requirement. Most of assets have an options features or characteristic. The text analyses methodology and technology of finance derivatives and option methodology to the valuation of company assets and its applications.

Práva k duševnímu vlastnictví a mezinárodní obchod

Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade

Ivo Šroněk

Politická ekonomie 1997, 45(6):883-892 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.312

The article deals with the role intellectual property rights in international trade with respect to industry trade rights. The isue has a many aspects. Besides the legal aspects we can count among them spreading of information, transfer of technology, innovative working, justice of state monopoly and some other. The paper is dedicated to the support of development of an international trade.