Politická ekonomie, 2010 (vol. 58), issue 6


Akumulace devizových rezerv centrálních bank a dynamika absorpce likvidity bankovních systémů České republiky, Polska a Maďarska

Central Bank´s Foreign Exchange Reserves Accumulation and Dynamics of Banking System Liquidity Absorption: The Case of the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary

Karel Brůna

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):723-746 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.759  

The paper deals with accumulation of foreign exchange reserves of central banks and its consequences in banking system liquidity management. In theoretical part the case of banking system liquidity surplus is analyzed focusing on creation of liquidity through FX operations, sterilization of liquidity and main sources of liquidity absorption. In this context it is analyzed how monetary policy instruments (on outright or repo basis) enable central bank to react on volatility of banking system liquidity needs and to cover issued currency in circulation and bank's reserves by net foreign assets. In empirical part these problems are analyzed and compared...

Inovační aktivita firem a konkurence

Innovation Activity of Firms and Competition

Alena Zemplinerová

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):747-760 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.760  

The aim of the article is to investigate if there exists a systematic link between size of the firm, market concentration and R&D activity of firms. Three tentative results emerged from the regression analysis based on the firm balanced panel data 1998-2006. First it follows from a regression analysis that a positive relationship between size and R&D activity of the firm exists, which is non-linear however. Second the results indicate that a negative relationship between firm R&D personnel and industry concentration exists. If market concentration is a measure of competition than we can conclude that innovation is related to the competitive...

Vývoj zaměstnanosti v znevýhodněných oblastech v letech 2002-2006

Development of Employment in Less Favoured Areas in 2002-2006

František Střeleček, Radek Zdeněk, Jana Lososová

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):761-773 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.761  

More than 30% of the population lives in less favoured areas in the Czech Republic. These areas are characterized by a number of limitations such as shorter growing season, lower average annual temperature, the worse traffic conditions, higher environmental protection and others. Sustainable development of these areas depends not only on development of agriculture in these areas that is well supported, but also on the development of other sectors of the economy. An important element of development of these areas is a sufficient number of job opportunities. An analysis of employment in the years 2002-2006 was performed to investigate this. The method...

Analýza nástrojů zemědělské dotační politiky - aplikace produkčních funkcí

Analysis of Agriculture Subsidy Policy Tools - Aplication of Production Function

Zdeňka Kroupová, Michal Malý

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):774-794 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.762  

The submitted paper is focused on the evaluation of the Common Agriculture Policy impact on economic results of Czech organic farmers. The aim of the paper is a complex evaluation of the influence of subsidy on production, costs, profit and technical efficiency of organic farms. The partial aim is to evaluate different methods of subsidy rate calculation. The main methodological tool for achieving mentioned aims is an analysis using a production and a stochastic frontier production function. This approach has not been used in the Czech Republic yet. The previous studies, analyzed subsidy of organic farming, were based on a comparison of especially...


Akrualizace daní, opotřebení fixního kapitálu a investice v sektoru vládních institucí

Accrual Taxes, Capital Formation and Consumption in Government Sector

Jaroslav Sixta, Jakub Fischer

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):795-804 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.763  

The paper focuses on accrual taxes, investment and depreciation in government sector from statistical point of view. The paper is a feedback on paper published in Politická ekonomie 2/2010 by authors Hrdlička, Ištvánfyová and Vítek. Original paper dealt with similar issue but from accountants' point of view. The statistical view of this matter is slightly different and it is influenced by current national accounts' standard ESA 1995. The most of the paper is devoted to the investment and depreciation, in national accounts terms capital formation and capital consumption. The sector of government is a very important investor and property owner in the...

Může přerozdělování posílit konkurenceschopnost ekonomiky?

Can Redistribution Enhance the Competitiveness of an Economy?

Petr Gočev

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):805-813 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.764  

The article contests an argument that the creation of a capital market in educational "human capital" and subsequent voluntary transactions on this market are sufficient to create equal opportunities in education, consequently reducing the income premium enjoyed by households with higher initial wealth endowment end eliminating deadweight detriments to efficiency caused by unequal household budget constraints. The counterargument is based on game-theoretical model developed in Bowles 2004. The inevitable incompleteness of contracts results in allocation inefficiency: agents with above average wealth endowment are able to finance larger projects, and/or...

Ekonomie obnovitelných zdrojů energie - příklad větrné energie v České republice

The Economics of Renewable Energy - Example of Wind Energy in the Czech Republic

Ivana Ryvolová, Alena Zemplinerová

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):814-825 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.765  

In most industrialized countries, renewable energy is supported by policy schemes burden of which is distributed among taxpayers and energy consumers. Renewable sources of energy face a major problem because of their intermittency and that has not been adequately reflected in the discussions of their subsidies in the Czech Republic and in the analysis of the related costs. The article attempts to contribute to this discussion and to the analyses of the costs of growth of wind energy supply in the Czech Republic.

From scientific life

Cesta k obnově růstu: inovace, pracovní místa a čistý růst (globální fórum OECD 2010 v Paříži)

Martin Kuncl

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):830-837 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.766  

From economic literature

Užitečná kniha o Evropské unii

A Useful Book on the European Union

Šárka Laboutková, Milan Žák

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):838-843 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.767  

Návrat ekonomické krize

Return of the Economic Crisis

Zuzana Stuchlíková

Politická ekonomie 2010, 58(6):843-846 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.768