Východiská pre tvorbu priemyselnej politiky udržateľnej konkurencieschopnosti sklárskeho priemyslu Českej republiky

Název práce: Východiská pre tvorbu priemyselnej politiky udržateľnej konkurencieschopnosti sklárskeho priemyslu Českej republiky
Autor(ka) práce: Slunčík, Peter
Typ práce: Disertační práce
Vedoucí práce: Lang, Helmut
Oponenti práce: Dvořáček, Jiří; Smrček, Antonín
Jazyk práce: Slovensky
ABSTRACT The subject of this doctoral thesis is a framework for building an industrial policy for sustainable competitiveness of the glass industry in the Czech Republic. Industrial policy and competitiveness do not have commonly accepted definitions. Concepts on definitions differ across nations, regions, stage of development and over time -- in short or long time. Coming from these problems there are questions connected with horizontal or sectoral level of application. Globalization is a challenge for industry, the environmental issues alike. On one hand side is there enormous growth of costs on the other growth of business opportunities. Systemic approach to analysis of the complex of business environment brought progress to solve problems connected with articulation integrated levels. A complete analysis of the glass industry enables to understandnot only problems but also challenges driving the industry. Quality of political environment and mutual collaboration with all the actors is crusial for next development of succesful sustainable growth of the national economy. There is not the question if to do the industrial policy or not; the question is: how to do it?
Klíčová slova: priemyselná politika; systemický prístup; životné prostredie; konkurencieschopnosť
Název práce: Východiská pre tvorbu priemyselnej politiky udržateľnej konkurencieschopnosti sklárskeho priemyslu Českej republiky
Autor(ka) práce: Slunčík, Peter
Typ práce: Disertační práce
Vedoucí práce: Lang, Helmut
Oponenti práce: Dvořáček, Jiří; Smrček, Antonín
Jazyk práce: Slovensky
ABSTRACT The subject of this doctoral thesis is a framework for building an industrial policy for sustainable competitiveness of the glass industry in the Czech Republic. Industrial policy and competitiveness do not have commonly accepted definitions. Concepts on definitions differ across nations, regions, stage of development and over time -- in short or long time. Coming from these problems there are questions connected with horizontal or sectoral level of application. Globalization is a challenge for industry, the environmental issues alike. On one hand side is there enormous growth of costs on the other growth of business opportunities. Systemic approach to analysis of the complex of business environment brought progress to solve problems connected with articulation integrated levels. A complete analysis of the glass industry enables to understandnot only problems but also challenges driving the industry. Quality of political environment and mutual collaboration with all the actors is crusial for next development of succesful sustainable growth of the national economy. There is not the question if to do the industrial policy or not; the question is: how to do it?
Klíčová slova: Průmyslová politika; systemický přístu; životní prostředí; konkurenceschopnost
Název práce: Building the industrial policy of sustainable competitiveness
Autor(ka) práce: Slunčík, Peter
Typ práce: Dissertation thesis
Vedoucí práce: Lang, Helmut
Oponenti práce: Dvořáček, Jiří; Smrček, Antonín
Jazyk práce: Slovensky
ABSTRACT The subject of this doctoral thesis is a framework for building an industrial policy for sustainable competitiveness of the glass industry in the Czech Republic. Industrial policy and competitiveness do not have commonly accepted definitions. Concepts on definitions differ across nations, regions, stage of development and over time -- in short or long time. Coming from these problems there are questions connected with horizontal or sectoral level of application. Globalization is a challenge for industry, the environmental issues alike. On one hand side is there enormous growth of costs on the other growth of business opportunities. Systemic approach to analysis of the complex of business environment brought progress to solve problems connected with articulation integrated levels. A complete analysis of the glass industry enables to understandnot only problems but also challenges driving the industry. Quality of political environment and mutual collaboration with all the actors is crusial for next development of succesful sustainable growth of the national economy. There is not the question if to do the industrial policy or not; the question is: how to do it?
Klíčová slova: systemic approach; environment; competitiveness; industrial policy

Informace o studiu

Studijní program / obor: Ekonomika a management/Podniková ekonomika a management
Typ studijního programu: Doktorský studijní program
Přidělovaná hodnost: Ph.D.
Instituce přidělující hodnost: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Fakulta: Fakulta podnikohospodářská
Katedra: Katedra podnikové ekonomiky

Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě

Datum zadání práce: 1. 10. 2004
Datum podání práce: 2. 9. 2010
Datum obhajoby: 29. 9. 2010
Identifikátor v systému InSIS: https://insis.vse.cz/zp/27239/podrobnosti

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