Zipf's law for cities: Is Zipf exponent correlated with level of freedom?

Název práce: Essays on Zipf´s Law for Cities
Autor(ka) práce: Šindelář, Jakub
Typ práce: Diploma thesis
Vedoucí práce: Šťastný, Daniel
Oponenti práce: Potužák, Pavel
Jazyk práce: English
This master thesis contains three independent papers on the Zip's law for cities. In the first essay I summarize accumulated knowledge and use examples from the Czech Republic to show problems of the empirical research. The main findings of this essay are: City size distribution in the Czech Republic can be better described by a log-normal distribution than by a Pareto distribution; Pareto exponents are sensitive to sample selection. The second essay is the largest empirical cross-country study on Zipf's law for cites. The mean value for 157 countries is 0.919. The comparison with the study by Soo (2005) showed a decreasing tendency of the Pareto exponent, since for the same countries, the average exponent decreased from 1.11 to 1.02. One possible explanation of this trend is the process of urbanization. The last essay looks at the topic from a different angle. I have developed an agent based model to describe the process of suburbanization and cities merging and its impact on the size of the Pareto exponent. I have shown that when cities merge, the exponent starts to fall down from a steady state.
Klíčová slova: Pareto exponent; multiagent model; Zipf law
Název práce: Zipf's law for cities: Is Zipf exponent correlated with level of freedom?
Autor(ka) práce: Šindelář, Jakub
Typ práce: Diplomová práce
Vedoucí práce: Šťastný, Daniel
Oponenti práce: Potužák, Pavel
Jazyk práce: English
This master thesis contains three independent papers on the Zip's law for cities. In the first essay I summarize accumulated knowledge and use examples from the Czech Republic to show problems of the empirical research. The main findings of this essay are: City size distribution in the Czech Republic can be better described by a log-normal distribution than by a Pareto distribution; Pareto exponents are sensitive to sample selection. The second essay is the largest empirical cross-country study on Zipf's law for cites. The mean value for 157 countries is 0.919. The comparison with the study by Soo (2005) showed a decreasing tendency of the Pareto exponent, since for the same countries, the average exponent decreased from 1.11 to 1.02. One possible explanation of this trend is the process of urbanization. The last essay looks at the topic from a different angle. I have developed an agent based model to describe the process of suburbanization and cities merging and its impact on the size of the Pareto exponent. I have shown that when cities merge, the exponent starts to fall down from a steady state.
Klíčová slova: Zipfův zákon; Paretův exponent; urbanizace

Informace o studiu

Studijní program / obor: Ekonomie a hospodářská správa/Ekonomická analýza
Typ studijního programu: Magisterský studijní program
Přidělovaná hodnost: Ing.
Instituce přidělující hodnost: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Fakulta: Národohospodářská fakulta
Katedra: Katedra ekonomie

Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě

Datum zadání práce: 19. 11. 2012
Datum podání práce: 15. 5. 2013
Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2013
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