Potential of Africa for Automotive Industry

Název práce: Potential of Africa for Automotive
Autor(ka) práce: Oshchebska, Sofiya
Typ práce: Diploma thesis
Vedoucí práce: Křečková Kroupová, Zuzana
Oponenti práce: Průša, Přemysl
Jazyk práce: English
This thesis is dedicated to the estimation of the potential of African continent for the automotive market entry. The work starts with the introduction of key internationalization, market assessment and market entry theories. Author then conducts a general analysis of automotive industry and evaluates the competitive forces that are shaping it nowadays. The research continues with the identification and evaluation of key drivers of Africa's future growth. Final practical part of the thesis is presented in the form of comparative study of four African countries: Egypt, Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia, that according to the author present the highest market potential for automotive in Africa. Country comparison and ranking is conducted by the application of PESTLE framework. In the end Egypt is identified as a preferred country and a list of recommendations on the automotive market entry strategy for Egypt is provided.
Klíčová slova: PESTLE analysis; Market potential; Africa; Automotive
Název práce: Potential of Africa for Automotive Industry
Autor(ka) práce: Oshchebska, Sofiya
Typ práce: Diplomová práce
Vedoucí práce: Křečková Kroupová, Zuzana
Oponenti práce: Průša, Přemysl
Jazyk práce: English
This thesis is dedicated to the estimation of the potential of African continent for the automotive market entry. The work starts with the introduction of key internationalization, market assessment and market entry theories. Author then conducts a general analysis of automotive industry and evaluates the competitive forces that are shaping it nowadays. The research continues with the identification and evaluation of key drivers of Africa's future growth. Final practical part of the thesis is presented in the form of comparative study of four African countries: Egypt, Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia, that according to the author present the highest market potential for automotive in Africa. Country comparison and ranking is conducted by the application of PESTLE framework. In the end Egypt is identified as a preferred country and a list of recommendations on the automotive market entry strategy for Egypt is provided.
Klíčová slova: PESTLE analysis; Automotive; Market potential; Africa

Informace o studiu

Studijní program / obor: Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy/Mezinárodní politika a diplomacie
Typ studijního programu: Magisterský studijní program
Přidělovaná hodnost: Ing.
Instituce přidělující hodnost: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Fakulta: Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů
Katedra: Katedra obchodního podnikání a komerčních komunikací

Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě

Datum zadání práce: 10. 10. 2012
Datum podání práce: 5. 5. 2014
Datum obhajoby: 18. 6. 2014
Identifikátor v systému InSIS: https://insis.vse.cz/zp/39604/podrobnosti

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