Acta Oeconomica Pragensia 2007, 15(7):417-431 | DOI: 10.18267/j.aop.227

How Have Come into Existence, What Direction Have Taken and Why Has Been Suppressed the So Called Šik's Reform (Memoirs of Journalist and Economist)

Zdislav Šulc
Doc. RSDr. Zdislav Šulc, CSc. - externí spolupracovník; Katedra hospodářských dějin Národohospodářské fakulty VŠE v Praze.

The article deals with second attempt at reform of the Soviet model mechanism and function of nationalized central planned economy. This system has been introduced in Czechoslovakia since 1953. In contrary to the failure at the end of the 1950s, linking generally to K. Rozsypal, first deputy of the State planning committee, this reform is connected to O. Šik, director of the Economic department of ČSAV. This study analyses particularly power-political and gnoseological limits at the beginning of the reform and the development of Šik's suggestions during the period of the so called Prague spring in 1968. This essay introduces the projects of the subsequent supposed action from central planned to the financial-market economy. The invasion of Warsaw pact armies has ended implementation of these plans.
Although gnoseological consequences has created as early as in this period creditable assumptions for functioning of both the economy without intervention of the state and on the basis of financial-market mechanism, the turning point in power-political relations has prevented the continuation of the economic reform.

Keywords: Šik's reform, central planning, planning indexes, market and its parametric background, price system, transition from planed prices to the prices of the effective demands and supplies, employees' councils as the ways of the transformation of property ownership (disestablishment)

Published: December 1, 2007  Show citation

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Šulc, Z. (2007). How Have Come into Existence, What Direction Have Taken and Why Has Been Suppressed the So Called Šik's Reform (Memoirs of Journalist and Economist). Acta Oeconomica Pragensia15(7), 417-431. doi: 10.18267/j.aop.227
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