Acta Oeconomica Pragensia 2019, 27(2):21-37 | DOI: 10.18267/j.aop.619

Hybrid Orientation of Organizational Identity and Its Relation to Particular Organizational Components

Miloslava Hiršová, Lenka Komárková, Petr Pirožek
University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Management (

In coping with organizational changes in the current turbulent environment, focus is primarily placed on structural, "hard" factors, while socio-dynamic processes, which are related to them, are somewhat overlooked. Organizational identity represents the output of processes of staff identification with the organization. We focus on four types of organizational identity orientation: team, working groups, individual and especially hybrid. The goal of this paper is to detect whether the presumed heritage of identity of the socialist organization - in the form of hybrid orientation - persists in the period of transition, and how this orientation relates to selected characteristics of organizations today. Our study is based on the questionnaire survey among 219 organizations and shows that hybrid orientation of identity is still present either directly or can be hidden behind the form of working groups. Results of multiple ordinal regression analysis demonstrate that hybrid orientation of identity prevails in organizations with weak organizational culture that can provide an environment for the manipulative enforcement of individual interests. Our study is an attempt to understand how differences in organizational design may be associated with the arrangement of social relations and be reflected in the form of organizational identity orientations. A better understanding of these processes can improve managerial decision-making in situations when the change of external conditions raises the change of internal settings.

Keywords: organizational identity, organizational culture, identity orientation, hybrid orientation of identity, contingency theory, social identity theory, social cognitive theory
JEL classification: D23, L20

Published: September 1, 2019  Show citation

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Hiršová, M., Komárková, L., & Pirožek, P. (2019). Hybrid Orientation of Organizational Identity and Its Relation to Particular Organizational Components. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia27(2), 21-37. doi: 10.18267/j.aop.619
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