European Financial and Accounting Journal 2012, 7(3):63-78 | DOI: 10.18267/j.efaj.5

Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Czech Republic

Leoš Vítek
Doc. Ing. Leoš Vítek, Ph.D. - associate professor; Department of Public Finance, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic; <>.

In 2007/2008, the Czech Republic has introduced governmental Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) to the central government level. This procedure has established formal rules binding to all legislative bodies. The process administration of RIA was entrusted to the Panel for a Regulatory Reform and Effective Public Administration and its permanent Committee for Quality Control of the Regulatory Impact Assessment. At the end of 2011, the RIA process has been changed and a new, independent Committee for the control of RIA proposals has been established. Based on minutes from the Committee's discussions, the presented paper analyses fundamental trends in the RIA process in the 2008-2012 period. The general statistical overview indicates that the volume of legislation reviewed under RIA gradually decreases. On the other hand, the number of proposals not recommended by the Committee for an approval decreased from 7.1 % in 2008 to 6.9 % in 2011. After introducing the new RIA rules, the number of proposals not recommended by the new Committee for an approval during the first discussion of a proposal has dramatically increased to 81 %.

Keywords: Czech Republic, Government policy, Regulation, Regulatory impact assessment
JEL classification: H83, L51

Published: October 1, 2012  Show citation

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Vítek, L. (2012). Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Czech Republic. European Financial and Accounting Journal7(3), 63-78. doi: 10.18267/j.efaj.5
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