Prague Economic Papers 2017, 26(5):561-577 | DOI: 10.18267/j.pep.629

The Proposal of a Tool for Candidates Selection for Employment. The Case of Survey Interviewers

Alina Morosanu1, Elisabeta Jaba2, Daniela Serban3
1 Department of Accounting, Computer Science and Statistics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Romania (
2 Department of Accounting, Computer Science and Statistics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Romania (
3 Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania (

This study purpose is a questionnaire development used to quantify survey interviewer cha- racteristics. Five dimensions of personality were used: conscientiousness, extraversion, agree-ableness, emotional stability and openness. Those dimensions where measured using a Likert scale with 6 points. In total, 107 survey interviewers from a branch of private companies specialized in public opinion research answered the questionnaire's questions. Reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by internal consistency. A preliminary list of 25 items was prepared as a starting point. After evaluation of validity, five items were rejected. The new measurement instrument with 20 items was finally developed. The content validity index for the final questionnaire was found acceptable. Results showed that final questionnaire was internally consistent.

Keywords: survey interviewer, characteristics of personality, questionnaire, reliability, validity
JEL classification: C83, J21, J24

Published: October 1, 2017  Show citation

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Morosanu, A., Jaba, E., & Serban, D. (2017). The Proposal of a Tool for Candidates Selection for Employment. The Case of Survey Interviewers. Prague Economic Papers26(5), 561-577. doi: 10.18267/j.pep.629
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