Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(5):641-657 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1017

Produkčná (ne)homogenita regiónov Slovenska

Filip Ostrihoň, Zlatica Ivaničová
Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave.

Production (Non)Homogeneity Across Slovak Regions

Slovakia is a unitary state with a common legal and macroeconomic environment for all regions. However, such environment may hinder regions with production setting, different from the majority of the regions. Hence, the aim of the following paper is to present an empirical analysis of the production technologies used across Slovak regions and to identify potential regional differences. For this purpose two-factor Cobb-Douglas production function was analysed, using annual historical panel data for NUTS 3 Slovak regions. The panel-data structure allowed the distinguishing of the differences in capital and labour elasticities between the analysed regions and the average of the rest of the regions. Additionally, the same methodology was performed with Cobb-Douglas model built on the first differences of the used data. The results of the two approaches indicate that region "Banskobystrický kraj" has significantly different production setting for capital and labour input than the rest of Slovak regions.

Keywords: panel data, Slovakia, Cobb-Douglas production function, estimation, NUTS 3, stock of capital
JEL classification: C23, E23, R15, R30

Published: September 1, 2015  Show citation

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Ostrihoň, F., & Ivaničová, Z. (2015). Production (Non)Homogeneity Across Slovak Regions. Politická ekonomie63(5), 641-657. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1017
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