Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):573-590 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1088

Analýza závislosti exportu SR na vývoji ekonomiky SRN

Peter Baláž, Andrej Hamara
1 Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Obchodná fakulta.
2 Infostat Bratislava.

Export Dependency of Slovakia on German´s Economy

The article analyses relationship between exports of goods and services of Slovakia and the development of economy of Germany as its major trading partner. On the basis of available data, it identifies the extent to which the export of SR depends on development of GDP in Germany, changes of its internal demand and also the extent to which there is a correlation between Slovak and German exports. Cointegration analysis, used to obtain relevant information about these links, verified on real data if there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between these variables and whether the intensity of dependence is really so high. Achieved results suggest that the Slovak exports and imports of goods to Germany, as well as the export of goods from Germany abroad, shows an intensive, long-term equilibrium relationship which largely determines the performance of Slovak economy and its competitiveness on international markets.

Keywords: competitivness, cointegration analysis, European Union, export efficiency, Slovak economy
JEL classification: F11, F14, F15

Published: September 1, 2016  Show citation

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Baláž, P., & Hamara, A. (2016). Export Dependency of Slovakia on German´s Economy. Politická ekonomie64(5), 573-590. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1088
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