Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):591-607 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1090

Penzijní závazky stárnoucí populace České republiky

Martina Šimková, Jaroslav Sixta, Jitka Langhamrová
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze.

Pension Liabilities to Ageing Population of the Czech Republic

The problem of population ageing and related questions of sustainability of the pension system in the Czech Republic represent serious and discussed topics. Pension and health care systems are significantly influenced by the changes in the population structure. There is a disproportion between paid retirement pensions and received pension contributions in the pension system. The problem lies in the proportion of economically active and inactive population and the possibility of our economy to ensure sufficient resources in the future. Pensioners will consume real goods and services and have the unquestionable right for satisfaction of all their needs. For the economy, it is not important if these needs are satisfied through public or private funds or if there is a system based on contributions or benefits. Our paper offers an economic view of ageing population from the perspective of the estimate of pension liabilities. The paper also shows that the influence of the choice of the system is not important in terms of the economy. Of course, it is important for each of individuals. The problem is connected with equity, solidarity and efficiency of the management of funds. Regardless of the system, liabilities to people in the retirement are equal. Although these estimates are based on various assumptions that may vary over time, the total value of pension entitlements represents key information for policy makers. Thus the estimated proportion of pension liabilities to GDP reflects the amount of output that will be needed to satisfy the needs of current and future retirees.

Keywords: aging of population, economic burden, pension system, pension entitlements
JEL classification: C02, J01

Published: September 1, 2016  Show citation

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Šimková, M., Sixta, J., & Langhamrová, J. (2016). Pension Liabilities to Ageing Population of the Czech Republic. Politická ekonomie64(5), 591-607. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1090
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