Politická ekonomie 2018, 66(1):35-56 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1176

Vývoj národního důchodu České republiky od 80. let 20. století

Kristýna Vltavská, Jaroslav Sixta, Martina Šimková
Kristýna Vltavská (kristyna.vltavska@vse.cz), Jaroslav Sixta (sixta@vse.cz), Martina Šimková (martina.simkova@vse.cz), Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Fakulta informatiky a statistiky; Český statistický úřad

Czech National Income since 1980s

Researchers and analysts usually prefer to have long time series of gross domestic product as the most important indicator of the economy. However, gross national income presents indicator that covers not only what a country produce but it takes into account values produced by factors of productions owned by foreigners. From that point of view gross national income presents more interesting information than gross domestic product. This paper describes the recalculation of historical time series of gross domestic product in the Czech Republic into the standard of national accounts ESA 2010. It presents results for all three approaches to GDP, employment and gross national income. Although results of GDP and employment start in the year 1970, the lack of data allowed us prepared figures for gross national income from year 1984 onwards. Moreover, this paper shows some of the possibilities to the international comparison with European countries for the better description of the position of the Czech Republic in the European context.

Keywords: gross national income, system of national accounts, ESA 2010, gross domestic product
JEL classification: C02, E01, N01

Published: February 1, 2018  Show citation

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Vltavská, K., Sixta, J., & Šimková, M. (2018). Czech National Income since 1980s. Politická ekonomie66(1), 35-56. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1176
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