Politická ekonomie 2018, 66(1):78-98 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1177

Výnosový potenciál společného konsolidovaného korporátního základu daně v Evropské unii

Veronika Solilová, Danuše Nerudová
Veronika Solilová (ritve@email.cz), Danuše Nerudová (d.nerudova@seznam.cz), Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Provozně ekonomická fakulta

Revenue Potential of the CCCTB in the European Union

The non-existence of a link between reaching smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and the EU budget is resulting in the existence of sustainability gaps in the European Union. This research reveals that the introduction of the Common (Consolidated) Corporate Tax Base (hereinafter as C(C)CTB) could be an important contribution to close the existing sustainability gaps. To research the revenue potential of the C(C)CTB, a model based on a remittance system was designed. The system expects the replacement of the VAT-based own resource (resp. GNI-based own resource) through the transfer of a part of the corporate tax revenues from the C(C)CTB raised on the national level to the EU budget. The results of the research show that the C(C)CTB-based own resource would be able to fully replace the VAT-based own resource, with the only exception of Cyprus. However, the C(C)CTB-based own resource cannot be considered to be a sufficient resource to fully replace the GNI-base own resource.

Keywords: sustainability, funding, CCCTB, European Union, budget
JEL classification: H25, H61, K22

Published: February 1, 2018  Show citation

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Solilová, V., & Nerudová, D. (2018). Revenue Potential of the CCCTB in the European Union. Politická ekonomie66(1), 78-98. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1177
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