Politická ekonomie 2006, 54(4):542-548 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.573

Význam základní klasifikace ukazatelů pro korektní interpretaci vzájemných odlišností jejich hodnot

Lubomír Cyhelský, Vladimíra Valentová
Technická univerzita v Liberci.

Importance of the basic classification of indicators for the correct interpretation of the mutual differences between their values

This paper focuses on the identification of the main criterion for the classification of basic indicators and their corresponding scales (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio). The criterion is the number of meaningful categories of the formulation or measurement of all mutual differences of all potential values of the indicator. The paper insists on the necessity of distinguishing at least four types of the given indicator. The classification (and differences) of the indicators is included in the enclosed table. The purpose of the table is to: give information about the data arranged in an ordering scheme; further evaluate whether their differences are determined or they are meaningless; and investigate whether differences between values can be found and if ratios are meaningful or not. The meaning of the classification of indicators for a correct interpretation of the mutual differences between their values is emphasized.

Keywords: classification of indicators, scales classification, nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio indicators and scales, importance of the basic indicators classification, correct interpretation of the differences between data values
JEL classification: C10, C19, C49

Published: August 1, 2006  Show citation

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Cyhelský, L., & Valentová, V. (2006). Importance of the basic classification of indicators for the correct interpretation of the mutual differences between their values. Politická ekonomie54(4), 542-548. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.573
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