Politická ekonomie 2007, 55(2):206-225 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.597

Reálná a nominální konvergence v zemích středoevropské pětky

Růžena Vintrová
Centrum ekonomických studií, Vysoká škola ekonomie a managementu, Praha.

Real and Nominal Convergence of the Cee Countries

This paper deals with the narrowing the income gap between the Central and East European New Member States (NMS-5) and the EU-25 and with the trade-off between the real and nominal convergence. The methodology is based on international standards enabling comparisons of macroeconomic indicators, especially of GDP per capita in purchasing power parity and alternative indicators of real gross domestic income, which comprises gains or losses from the terms of trade changes. In the chapter 1 the changes in catching-up and in the position of the NMS-5 economy within the framework of EU-25 are analysed. Chapter 2 deals with the trade-off between the real and nominal convergence. The regression analysis of the comparative price and wage level in relation to the economic level reveals deviations from the theoretical values, especially in the Czech Republic. The unit labour cost's level comparisons examine the cost/price competitiveness. The perspective of real convergence is analysed in the conclusion.

Keywords: terms of trade, unit labour costs, real gross domestic income, comparative price level, real and nominal convergence, purchasing power parity
JEL classification: E31, F15, F43, J30, O11

Published: April 1, 2007  Show citation

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Vintrová, R. (2007). Real and Nominal Convergence of the Cee Countries. Politická ekonomie55(2), 206-225. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.597
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