Politická ekonomie 2011, 59(3):329-344 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.794

Falešná neutralita neoklasické teorie: feministická, antropologická, evoluční a ekologická kritika

Ondřej Horký
Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, Praha.

The False Neutrality of the Neoclassical Theory: Feminist, Anthropological, Evolutionary and Ecological Critiques

The article argues that many failures of economic policies, especially in the developing world, are accountable to the methodological biases of the underlying mainstream economic science. While the new institutional and development economics have substantially improved economic models, they still rely on the neoclassical assumptions of methodological individualism and utilitarism. Therefore, they cannot fully grasp the gender and cultural aspects of the societies living in developing countries, the dynamic character of their economies and their embedment in the natural, social and institutional environment. These scientific biases are analysed from the standpoint of four heterodox economic schools: those of feminist economics, evolutionary economics, ecological economics, and economic anthropology. The subsequent failure of the economic policies is documented by the cross-cutting example of the Structural Adjustment Programmes of the Bretton Woods institutions. The article concludes by emphasizing the common points of the heterodox schools and advocating for a methodological plurality in the Czech economic research and education.

Keywords: economic development, Economic methodology, heterodox economics, feminist economics, economic anthropology, evolutionary economics, Structural Adjustment Programmes
JEL classification: B41, B52, B54, O19, Q57

Published: June 1, 2011  Show citation

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Horký, O. (2011). The False Neutrality of the Neoclassical Theory: Feminist, Anthropological, Evolutionary and Ecological Critiques. Politická ekonomie59(3), 329-344. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.794
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