Politická ekonomie 2013, 61(1):109-120 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.886

Zamyšlení nad několika otázkami naší novodobé hospodářské historiografie a poznámky ke dvěma podobným recenzím stejné publikace od A. Doležalové

Václav Průcha

Consideration about Several Questions of Our Modern Economic Historiography and Notes to Two Similar Reviews of the Same Publication by A. Doležalová

The article is the authors' polemic against the review of their book Economic and Social History of Czechoslovakia, Volume II 1945-1992, which was published by Antonie Doležalová in Politická ekonomie No. 3/2012. In this context, the article also deals with general issues of economic historiography, particularly with the development and object of investigation of economic history, periodization of the economic development of Czechoslovakia after World War II, external and internal impacts on the economy, construction of statistical data and terminological problems.

Keywords: economic policy, economic history, social history, economic statistics
JEL classification: N01, N24

Published: February 1, 2013  Show citation

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Průcha, V. (2013). Consideration about Several Questions of Our Modern Economic Historiography and Notes to Two Similar Reviews of the Same Publication by A. Doležalová. Politická ekonomie61(1), 109-120. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.886
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