Politická ekonomie 2013, 61(6):814-833 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.932

Experimentální odhad složek výdajové metody regionálního HDP v ČR

Jana Kramulová, Petr Musil
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze.

Experimental Estimate of Components of Expenditure Approach to Regional GDP in the Czech Republic

This paper deals with the topic of experimental computations and estimation of regional GDP components by expenditure approach in the NUTS 3 regions of the Czech Republic. As huge amount of data is necessary, this topic has not been successfully solved by official statistics yet. Just one expenditure component - gross fixed capital formation - is regionally published by the Czech Statistical Office, the others, such as final household consumption expenditures, government expenditures or net export balance, are estimated in this paper. Also the net savings of regions are experimentally computed. Different data sources needed to be used for estimations; apart from Czech Statistical Office and Institute for Regional Information data other sources as transportation statistics, health statistics etc. had to be employed. An important related issue is also the regional price level problem, whose implications are discussed in the paper as well. Finally regional differences in the structure of regional GDP are examined.

Keywords: Expenditure approach, regional GDP, NUTS 3 regions, the Czech Republic, regional indicators, price levels
JEL classification: C82, E01, E31, R10

Published: December 1, 2013  Show citation

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Kramulová, J., & Musil, P. (2013). Experimental Estimate of Components of Expenditure Approach to Regional GDP in the Czech Republic. Politická ekonomie61(6), 814-833. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.932
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