Politická ekonomie, 2015 (vol. 63), issue 4


Francouzsko-Německé monetární vztahy - pnutí v základech eurozóny

Franco-German Monetary Relations - Tensions Built Into the Eurozone Core

Vladan Hodulák, Oldřich Krpec

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):413-435 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1028  

This paper discusses the thesis that the main danger for eurozone survival does not lie in the areas that most economists have focused on; that is, it lies neither in insufficient regulation of the financial sector (banking union) nor in fiscal irresponsibility of the European governments (fiscal compact). The eurozone technically has unlimited financial resources at its disposal to solve its recent financial problems, but the potential threats are rather of a political origin. The most important challenges are the distinct expectations that the strongest European economies harbored before the foundation of the eurozone. The French sought to gain more...

Poptávka po hotovosti v oběhu v České republice v období let 2002-2014 a její změny v průběhu finanční krize

Demand For Cash in Circulation in the Czech Republic In 2002-2014 and Its Changes During the Financial Crisis

Pavel Řežábek

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):436-455 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1029  

The demand for cash in the Czech Republic is characterized since the establishment of the Czech currency in 1993 by a steady upward trend that has been disrupted by several non-standard episodes. One of the episodes was a substantial surge in Czech currency holdings after the outbreak of the financial crisis in late 2008. Results based on a model of currency demand show that the increase in currency in circulation in the last quarter of 2008 cannot be explained by common variables, which include retail sales, interest rate, innovation in payment systems, and tourism. Separate models of currency demand for small and large denominations revealed significant...

Kvantifikace dopadů zavedení společného konsolidovaného základu daně v Evropské unii do celkového základu daně korporací vykazovaného v České republice

Quantification of the Impact on the Total Corporate Tax Basis in the Czech Republic Caused by the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base Implementation in EU28

Danuše Nerudová, Veronika Solilová

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):456-473 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1030  

The implementation of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (hereinafter as CCCTB) system will have the impact on the distribution of group tax bases across the EU, for the draft of CCCTB directive includes also the suggestion of allocation formula, based on which the group tax base should be allocated. As a consequence of this, it will also generate impact on tax revenues of individual EU Member States. The aim of the paper is to identify whether the implementation of CCCTB will result into the decrease or increase of corporate tax base in the Czech Republic in comparison with present situation - i.e. in situation when no group taxation or consolidation...

Vliv dotace na konkurenceschopnost podniku - předběžná analýza

Subsidy Effect on Enterprise Competitiveness - Preliminary Analysis

Milan Sedláček

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):474-497 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1031  

More than EUR 347 million from EU funds was allocated for boosting competitiveness of Czech economy during the time period from 2004 to 2006. The aim of this paper is to evaluate effects of subsidies from programme "Development", which was focused on rising small and medium company competitiveness. Method Benchmark and method Per se were created for this purpose. Analyses confirm that subsidies are drawn by companies with above average rate of competitiveness. On the other hand, competitiveness of these subsidised companies (measured by eight financial indicators) was ostensibly decreasing after drawing the subsidy. The cause for this fact can be found...

Odhad nákladov nezamestnanosti v podmienkach slovenskej ekonomiky

Estimation of the Cost of Unemployment in Slovak Republic

Tomáš Domonkos, Brian König

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):498-516 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1032  

The aim of the presented paper is to estimate the cost of unemployment in the Slovak Economy. The cost of unemployment can be divided into a direct component, composed of decreasing government revenues due to reduced direct taxes and social contribution payments from the employees and the employers; increased public spending on unemployment benefi ts, social security and health insurance and finally increased expenditures on running the administration of unemployed persons and active labor market policies. The second part, consisting of indirect costs, is composed of one component, represented by the decreasing collection of indirect taxes. The analysis...

Penzijní reforma v Chile: aktuální vývoj plně fondového DC systému a analýza dopadů

Chilean Pension System: Current Development of Fully Funded DC System and Its Impacts

Petr Brabec, Karina Kubelková

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):517-533 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1033  

General elections in Chile in the autumn of 2013 have unleashed a discussion about the shortcomings of the Chilean pension system and the necessary changes. Radical solutions contains various forms of return of the PAYG system. The paper deals with the preparation and the main implication of the pension reform in 1981 which led to the transition from the PAYG system to the capital system. Thanks to the reconstruction of the time series from the 70s and 80s of the 20th century using the latest data from 2013 and own calculations the article confirmed that the transition meant a noticeable increase in pensions for everybody included in the system. This...

From economic literature

Fundamentální příspěvek k otázkám penzijní reformy

Luboš Smrčka

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):534-538 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1034  

Unikátní kniha o euru a evropské integraci

A unique book about the euro and European integration

Liběna Černohorská, Petr Teplý

Politická ekonomie 2015, 63(4):538-542 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1035