Politická ekonomie, 2019 (vol. 67), issue 2


Strukturální fondy a znevýhodnění regionů: veřejní a neveřejní příjemci podpory

Structural Funding and Disadvantage of Regions: Public and Non-Public Beneficiaries

Oldřich Hájek, Jiří Novosák, Radek Jurčík, Daniela Spiesová, Jana Novosáková

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(2):113-132 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1238  

Considering the differences between public and non-public beneficiaries, the main aim of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between the disadvantage of Czech regions and the spatial distribution of EU structural funds in the programming period 2007–2013. The empirical results reveal negative and significant influence of socioeconomic disadvantage of regions on the amount of structural funds obtained by public beneficiaries. On the contrary, agglomeration economies are the statistically significant determinant of the amount of structural funds obtained by non-public beneficiaries. These conclusions are related to different absorption capacity...

Analýza mezd a vybraných ukazatelů v zemích OECD

Analysis of Wages and Selected Indicators in OECD Countries

Diana Bílková

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(2):133-156 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1231  

The research database consists of the OECD countries except Iceland, Latvia and Turkey, which were excluded because of insufficient data. The primary objective of the study is to group the countries according to their average wage, GDP per capita, minimum wage and unemployment rate. Another objective, of no less importance, is to determine which of the three remaining above variables significantly affect the average wage, while defining the type and strength of this relationship. Yet another important goal is to develop forecasts of the wage level and GDP per capita for each OECD country by 2020. In terms of clustering OECD countries by the four variables,...

Zmena produktivity vo viacročných obdobiach: Hicksov-Moorsteenov index, jeho dekompozícia a banková aplikácia

Productivity Change in Multi-year Periods: the Hicks-Moorsteen Index, Its Decomposition and Bank Application

Martin Boďa

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(2):157-180 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1235  

Index number theory interprets the task of measuring productivity change as examining changes between two one-year periods (or other partial time instances). Nonetheless, in practice there arises a need to assess how productivity fared between two periods consisting of several years (or several partial time instances) and what drove its change. The paper focuses on such situations and has two interlinked goals. On the one hand, the paper formulates a methodology for measuring productivity change based on the Hicks-Moorsteen index and on the decomposition into basic determinants after Diewert and Fox. On the other hand, it demonstrates its usability...

Rozdiely v efektívnosti inovačných systémov Slovenska a vybraných krajín Európskej únie

Differences in Efficiency of National Innovation Systems of Slovakia and Selected EU Countries

Peter Adamovský, Vladimír Gonda

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(2):181-197 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1234  

The aim of the paper is to identify differences in innovation efficiency of national innovation systems of Slovakia and selected countries of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Romania and Sweden) in the period 2006-2015. The relative efficiency model applied uses a non-parametric method known as data envelopment analysis (DEA) in a super-efficiency version with a constant-returns-to-scale technology and input orientation. The data selection is based on innovation indicators and methodological aspects of the model. The authors discovered that Austria and Germany achieved an efficient score for technological...


Zakladatel chicagské školy Frank Hyneman Knight

Frank Hyneman Knight, the Founder of the Chicago School

Marek Loužek

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(2):198-214 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1220  

Frank Hyneman Knight made a significant contribution to neoclassical economics. The paper aims to examine his economic theory and political philosophy. The first part outlines the life of Frank Knight. The second part examines his thesis titled "Risk, Uncertainty and Profit" (1921). The third part analyses "The Economic Organization" (1933). The fourth part discusses the book "The Ethics of Competition" (1935). The fifth part takes a look at the political philosophy in the book "Freedom and Reform" (1947). The sixth part highlights the significance of Knight for the Chicago School.

Book reviews

Je ekonomické chování lidí skutečně neočekávané?

Zdeněk Chytil, Arnošt Klesla

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(2):215-219 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1202  

Thaler, R. H. Neočekávané chování: příběh behaviorální ekonomiePraha: Argo, Dokořán, 2017. 377 stran. ISBN 978-80-7363-838-2.

Komplexná monografia mapujúca vývoj financií na území Slovenska

Martin Kocúrek

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(2):220-223 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1211  

Peter Baláži a kolektív: Historiografia financií na území SlovenskaPraha: Wolters Kluwer, 2016. 272 strán. ISBN 978-80-7552-484-3.