Politická ekonomie, 2019 (vol. 67), issue 3


Obchodně-politické překážky vývozu zboží z Evropské unie do USA: význam liberalizace obchodních toků

Trade Policy Barriers to Imports of EU Goods to the USA: Importance of Liberalization of Trade Flows

Milan Bednář

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(3):231-252 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1242  

The paper deals with effects of trade liberalization of EU goods exports to the USA. Despite the current protectionist tendencies of US President Donald Trump, the USA is strongly motivated to promote a deeper trade liberalization in the longer horizon, further strengthening bilateral trade flows, increasing economic efficiency, and thus contributing to the growth of both economies. The primary objective is to evaluate a hypothesis which states that reducing political trade barriers could notably increase the flows. We use gravity models and our own constructed non-tariff trade barrier time series based on tens of thousands of values for EU-28 countries...

Vliv zdanění příjmů na zadlužení nefinančních podniků

Influence of Income Taxation on Indebtedness of Non-financial Firms

Stanislav Klazar, Barbora Slintáková

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(3):253-272 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1239  

Theory supposes that corporate income taxation encourages companies to issue debt as opposed to equity finance because interests are deductible while dividends are not. In addition, international differences in tax regimes incentivize multinational firms to shift debt to optimize their taxes. Since a high debt level can have adverse consequences, we decided to find out whether taxation is one of the causes of indebtedness of the non-financial corporate sector. We used a macroeconomic approach, i.e., all the variables were constructed at the country level, and employed data for 17 EU member states for the period 2006–2014. The model for short-term...

Formálna dimenzia fiškálnej decentralizácie v kontexte vertikálnej fiškálnej nerovnováhy a finančnej autonómie miestnych samospráv Slovenskej republiky

Formal Dimension of Fiscal Decentralization in the Context of Vertical Fiscal Imbalance and Financial Autonomy of Municipalities in Slovakia

Lenka Maličká

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(3):273-290 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1240  

An increase in municipal financial autonomy in Slovakia in connection with the fiscal decentralization during the monitored period 2000–2016 is observable after its implementation (2005) with a certain derogation in the period of the financial crisis (2009). The aim of the paper is to point out its formal increase through vertical fiscal imbalance. It is caused by the dominant position of shared tax revenues in the municipal budgets. Dumitrescu-Hurlin Panel Granger Causality test confirms a relationship between municipal financial autonomy and vertical fiscal imbalance, which points to a transfer dependency of municipalities on central government....

Vliv mobilní telefonie na ekonomický růst

Impact of Mobile Communications on Economic Growth

Jakub Čihák

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(3):291-315 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1237  

In this paper, I empirically examine the relationship between telecommunications and economic growth. I use data for developing and developed countries for 2000–2016. My conclusion is that mobile penetration has a positive and significant impact on economic growth, where a onepercent increase in mobile penetration results in an increase in economic growth of 1.0–2.6 percent. Regulatory institutions have a positive and significant impact on penetration in developing countries; in developed countries, the impact of regulatory institutions is positive but not significant.

Analýza vlivu slaďování rodinného a pracovního života žen prizmatem míry nezaměstnanosti neakcelerující inflaci v české republice

Analysis of Effects of Reconciliation of Family and Work Life of Women Through the Prism of Non-accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment in the Czech Republic

Emilie Jašová, Božena Kadeřábková

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(3):316-332 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1216  

This analysis seeks to map the level of reconciliation of work and family life of women in the Czech Republic. Using a HP filter, the authors estimate and compare the development of the NAIRU on the labour market in the case of women compared with men aged 20–49. The authors also quantify the impact and character of selected government policy measures on the NAIRU of women in the 20–49 age group. An explanation is offered for negative and positive influence. While the unemployment rate measured for the age group 15–64 reached 6.9%, it was 7% for the age group 20–49 and 8.6% for women. An increase in the NAIRU of women aged between...

From scientific life

Vzpomínka na profesora Václava Bakuleho

Martin Mandel

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(3):227-230 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1259  

Nositelé nobelovy ceny za ekonomii pro rok 2018

Pavel Sirůček

Politická ekonomie 2019, 67(3):333-343 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1251