Politická ekonomie, 2016 (vol. 64), issue 5


Peněžní a úvěrové multiplikátory ve vybraných ekonomikách

Money and Credit Multipliers in Selected Economies

Zbyněk Revenda

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):505-523 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1085  

The latest financial crisis has led to significant changes in the central bank's monetary policies. They have tried to respond by expansionary monetary policy in the different forms. We analyze if commercial and other banks use a higher quantity of reserves in order to increase granting of loans into the economy. Analysis is focused on the tendencies in money and credit multipliers. There are four analysed economics during the period 2008-2014: Czech Republic, European Monetary Union, Great Britain and the USA. No surprise that multipliers had tendencies to decline, especially from high values in the Great Britain and the USA. Development was quite...

Daňové úniky v laboratoři: vliv kontextu na ochotu platit daně

Tax Evasion in the Lab: How Context Affects Tax Compliance

Jiří Špalek, Zuzana Špačková

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):524-540 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1086  

The issue of tax compliance represents one of the topics where laboratory experiments may provide important insights into human economic decision making. The empirical evidence on the topic is limited as the decision on tax evasion is purely private information of the taxpayer. The experiment presented in the paper focuses on two main topics. At first, we analyze potential influence of two factors - probability of being caught while cheating on taxes and penalty rate imposed on subject who evade. We conclude that behavior of the Czech subjects corresponds to foreign results. At the same time, there is a stronger effect when probability of being caught...

Stanovení nabídkových cen ve veřejných zakázkách: simulace

Price Determination in Public Procurement: Simulation

Martin Schmidt

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):541-558 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1087  

The article examines a mechanism of bid price determination in public procurement by individual tenderers. An auction model based on game theory, which maximizes expected profit of a firm bidding for public contract, is used to analyse this process. Firm within the model decides by comparing expected profit and transaction costs associated with submitting the bid whether to submit the bid or not. Furthermore, the article analyzes empirical data on public works contracts in the field of construction and reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants in the Czech Republic. The probability distribution of bid prices submitted by individual firms is mainly...

Návrh bezpečných přístavů v oblasti převodních cen pro malé a střední podniky

The Proposal of Safe Harbours in the Area of Transfer Prices for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Veronika Solilová, Danuše Nerudová

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):559-572 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1075  

In this paper we focus on transfer pricing issues of SMEs which impose relatively higher compliance costs of taxation on SMEs than on large entities which can benefit from economies of scale. Therefore, the international platforms recommend introducing the simplified transfer pricing approaches mainly for SMEs. Currently, 62% of EU Member States have implemented simplified transfer pricing measurements for them. The aim of the paper is to propose the methodical tool for SMEs in the form of safe harbours based on the arm's length profit margins in the selected industry sectors in order to reflect sectoral and size-classes differences. Further, we try...

Analýza závislosti exportu SR na vývoji ekonomiky SRN

Export Dependency of Slovakia on German´s Economy

Peter Baláž, Andrej Hamara

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):573-590 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1088  

The article analyses relationship between exports of goods and services of Slovakia and the development of economy of Germany as its major trading partner. On the basis of available data, it identifies the extent to which the export of SR depends on development of GDP in Germany, changes of its internal demand and also the extent to which there is a correlation between Slovak and German exports. Cointegration analysis, used to obtain relevant information about these links, verified on real data if there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between these variables and whether the intensity of dependence is really so high. Achieved results suggest...

Penzijní závazky stárnoucí populace České republiky

Pension Liabilities to Ageing Population of the Czech Republic

Martina Šimková, Jaroslav Sixta, Jitka Langhamrová

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):591-607 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1090  

The problem of population ageing and related questions of sustainability of the pension system in the Czech Republic represent serious and discussed topics. Pension and health care systems are significantly influenced by the changes in the population structure. There is a disproportion between paid retirement pensions and received pension contributions in the pension system. The problem lies in the proportion of economically active and inactive population and the possibility of our economy to ensure sufficient resources in the future. Pensioners will consume real goods and services and have the unquestionable right for satisfaction of all their needs....

Diverzifikácia spotreby potravín na Slovensku

Diversity of Food Consumption in Slovakia

Andrej Cupák, Ján Pokrivčák, Marian Rizov

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):608-626 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1082  

In the present study we analyze diversification of food consumption in Slovakia. Dietary diversity is a proxy for the quality of diet and it measures one aspect of household food and nutritional security. Using data from the Slovak Household Budget Survey, we estimate determinants of demand for food diversity by means of linear and quantile regressions. We measure food diversity by count measure of food items consumed during a specific time period and by Berry index. While demand for food diversity has been steadily increasing since 2004, economic crisis in 2009 slightly reduced the diversity of foodstuffs consumed by Slovak households. Estimated income...

Book reviews

Měnová politika po Velké recesi

Monetary Policy after the Great Recession

Hana Lipovská

Politická ekonomie 2016, 64(5):627-629 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1089