FT European Business School Ranking 2014

2 Dec

In December, the Financial Times published its results of the ranking of European business universities. This year, the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) achieved 77th position among the most prestigious business schools in Europe.

In the ranking, the big countries with a long-term tradition of management education performed the best; in fact, universities from France and the United Kingdom have the biggest representation in the Ranking. The first position is occupied by London Business School (UK); French HEC Paris scored in second position and IE Business School (Spain) scored in third position. Despite its European scale from the Central and Eastern European countries, there were only 5 universities that scored in the ranking – Kozminski University and Warsaw School of Economics from Poland, St Petersburg State University Graduate School of Management from Russia, the University of Economics, Prague from the Czech Republic and Corvinus University of Budapest for Hungary.

The data used by FT for the evaluations originate from two main sources – universities themselves and their graduates. The questionnaire completed by the universities includes an evaluation of the level of internationalization, e.g. international scope of education, scale of education in foreign languages and share of exchange students. The qualification level of the teaching staff (Ph.D. staff share), together with university results in the area of lifelong education are evaluated too; the offer of MBA programs and business sector courses are examined in particular. Female representation among the teaching staff, students and Scientific Board are assessed as well.

Another questionnaire is distributed electronically to those that graduated from the university three years ago. The three-year period option works on the assumption that the graduates have had sufficient time to prove their expertise. The criteria include factors such as job level, career development in the three years since graduation and salary level. To be comparable, the salaries are calculated using the purchasing power parity (PPP) method.

VŠE scored in the ranking especially because of the international program common to 29 universities “CEMS Masters in International Management” (CEMS MIM).

The results of the FT European Business School Ranking 2014 are available: http://rankings.ft.com/businessschoolrankings/european-business-school-rankings-2014