Students from VŠE won First Place in the Competition SOLVE IT

12 Apr

In the late November a team named The Big Case Theory composed of five students from the University of Economics, Prague – Petr Chreno, Martin Krchňavý, Martin Pavliš, František Stankovič and Tomáš Václavíček – participated in the competition SOLVE IT organized by McKinsey & Co. Among a fierce competition of hundreds of students from the Czech Republic and abroad, the team The Big Case Theory managed to win.

There were two rounds in the SOLVE IT competition. In the first round the task was to come up with the best strategy, how to eradicate Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Only 5 best teams advanced to the next round.

In the second round we took roles of real consultants. We were solving problem for MSF in McKinsey office for 2 days. We were provided with real data and conducted interviews with MSF employees. Therefore, our solution can have a real impact.

Our strongest driver was the opportunity to give recommendations that can change lives of people whom MSF helps.

Besides a fantastic prize, which was a flight ticket to destination of our choice, we gained valuable experience from world class consultants,” says one member from the VŠE’s team.