VŠE saved over 1 million plastic bottles last year

Thanks to the students and staff of the Prague University of Economics and Business, in cooperation with LOKNI, we managed to save over 1 million plastic bottles in 2022!

The automats from the company formerly known as FILTERMAC have changed their name and logo to LOKNI and we have been able to save over 65,000 kg of CO2 thanks to them.

So why take a sip with LOKNI?

For mobile app users, water is FREE, and even at non-sponsored stations the price is very reasonable – for about 1 CZK you can get 3 litres of water. Both the sparkling and still options meet the criteria of the National Institute of Health, and they contain no chlorine, no unwanted tastes, odours or contaminants, although all the most important minerals remain unchanged.

How can newcomers go about installing the app?

  1. Download the Filtermac mobile app to your smartphone (Google Play and AppStore).
  2. Open the app and register.
  3. Choose a tariff (Sponsored by VŠE ŽIŽKOV) and start filling your bottles