Central European Business Review Vol. 1 No. 2


Miroslav Karlíček, Ph.D.
[plný text (PDF)]


Mathias Schüz
Sustainable Corporate Responsibility - The Foundation of Successful Business in the New Millennium
[plný text (PDF)]

Markus Prandini, Petronella Vervoort Isler, Petra Barthelmess
Responsible Management Education for 21st Century Leadership
[plný text (PDF)]

Denisa Kasl Kollmannová
“Fake product? Why not!” Attitudes toward the consumption of counterfeit goods in CEE as shown on the example of Slovakia
[plný text (PDF)]

Martin Lukeš
Supporting Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Innovation in Organizations
[plný text (PDF)]

Lukáš Mohelský, Hana Machková
Is diversification as a Strategic Advantage? The Example of Automotive Components in the Czech Republic
[plný text (PDF)]

Gina Cook
The Influence of National Cultural on American Business People – Managerial Implications for Central Europe
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Tomáš Poucha, Tomáš Říčka
Hermann Simon: The Education of Managers has to be Very Practical
[plný text (PDF)]


Mathias Schüz
Sustainable Education for Future Managers and Entrepreneurs
[plný text (PDF)]

Markus Prandini
Best Practices in Teaching
[plný text (PDF)]

Dušan Kučera
Problems of a Sustainable Management Value System in the Eastern Europe
[plný text (PDF)]

Thomas Keller
The Benefits of Cooperation between Industry and Universities
[plný text (PDF)]

Edgar Heim
Simulation-based Learning in Education and Further Education
[plný text (PDF)]

Stephan Loretan
The Tertiary Education Systems in Switzerland
[plný text (PDF)]

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