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The University of Economics, Prague placed in the TOP 80 Best Business Schools in Europe Ranking by the Financial Times

The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) achieved 70th position. Prague, 3 December 2012 In the ranking, the big countries with a long-term tradition of management education performed the best; in fact, universities from France and the United Kingdom represent more than 50 percent of the ranked business schools.


Databáze EBSCO trvale zpøístupòuje následující poddatabáze: Business Source Ultimate, EconLit with Full Text, Regional Business News, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, GreenFILE, European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750, eBook Collection, Audiobook Collection.


The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best business school in Eastern Europe in the international ranking of Eduniversal

P R E S S R E L E A S E Page 1 (of 3) The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best business school in Eastern Europe in the international ranking of Eduniversal The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) took second best place in the international ranking of Eduniversal.

The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best university in Central and Eastern Europe in the international ranking of Eduniversal

P R E S S R E L E A S E The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best university in Central and Eastern Europe in the international ranking of Eduniversal The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) took second best place in the annual international ranking of Eduniversal.

e3Cases: using business case sudies in higher education

Associated partners: BayernInvest, GATEWAY Gründungsservice, Nowa Era, Credendo, Hilti ČR Project’s main website: https://www.e3cases.uni-koeln.de/en/ Newsletter subscription: https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/e3cases-news             The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects


Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment 2020

Tab. 5 Reliability and validity assessment of the EMO model (n=240) Construct AVE CR Cronbach’s Alpha Proactive orientation (P) 0.777 0.913 0.913 Opportunity focus (OP) 0.692 0.818 0.818 Customer Orientation (CO) 0.669 0.858 0.857 Value Creation (VC) 0.907 0.951 0.951 Low-risk marketing (RM) 0.555 0.789 0.788 Discriminant validity max|rij| = 0.827, MSV = 0.684,


History of the University of Economics, Prague (I), The history of economic higher education in the Czech lands.

Subsequently, the turbulent period after World War II, particularly after 1948, is discussed in detail, as that period preceded the actual foundation of the Prague University of Economics and Business in 1953.  


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