Počet výsledků: 10000

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5HP381 Chapters in Economic Policy

Koucký, J. et DO����������³8þHQt�SUR�åLYRW��9êVOHGN\�Yê]NXPX�2(&'�3,6$�����´��/HDUQLQJ�IRU�/LIH�� Outcomes of OECD Survey PISA 2003), special annex to 8þLWHOVNp�QRYLQ\, Vol. 107, No. 46. 0LQLVWU\�RI�(GXFDWLRQ��9êNRQ�Y\VQČQp�SURIHVH�EH]�EDULpU���VXPPDU\�RI�WKH� 2012 Public Survey.


Zahájení provozu EC

Těmito centry jsou Absolventské centrum (AC), Kariérní centrum (KC) a Eventové centrum (EC). Eventové centrum bude pro potřeby Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze zastávat agendu spojenou se společenskými událostmi. Bude organizovat ty největší eventy školy jako jsou Seznamovací kurzy, Ples VŠE, Absolventský večer a další.


The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best business school in Eastern Europe in the international ranking of Eduniversal

The award ceremony took place in Istanbul on 22 October 2014. In the Eastern Europe region, VŠE directly competed with 81 universities from 21 countries. Prague 29 October 2014 The aim of the Eduniversal ranking is to provide to students and professionals worldwide overview of top universities which offer the management education.

History of the University of Economics, Prague (I), The history of economic higher education in the Czech lands.

(eds.). History of the University of Economics, Prague. (I), The history of economic higher education in the Czech lands. Prague: Oeconomica, nakladatelství VŠE, 2019. 169 s. ISBN 978-80-245-2255-5. The publication describes the long way to the foundation of an independent university of economics in Czechoslovakia in 1953.


The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best university in Central and Eastern Europe in the international ranking of Eduniversal

P R E S S R E L E A S E The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best university in Central and Eastern Europe in the international ranking of Eduniversal The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) took second best place in the annual international ranking of Eduniversal.

WP No. 1/2014 Pavel Potužák: The Austrian Theory of the Natural Rate of Interest: A Neoclassical Critique

App. 4 simulations Appendix 4 Simulations 25 99,5 101,5 103,5 105,5 107,5 109,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time Yt;Ct -0,25 -0,20 -0,15 -0,10 -0,05 0,00 0,05 0,10 Bt ;Savings Yt Ct Bt=Yt+(1+r)Bt-1 - Ct savings=Yt+rBt-1 - Ct r 5,00% ρ 0,00% θ 5 Y0 100 g 1,00% PVincome 844,88 PVconsumption 844,88 C0 100,0804 growth C 1,0000% T 10



Databáze EBSCO trvale zpøístupòuje následující poddatabáze: Business Source Ultimate, EconLit with Full Text, Regional Business News, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, GreenFILE, European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750, eBook Collection, Audiobook Collection.


Pořadí časopisů a kvartily v oborech Economics and Business podle AIS

Skutečnosti vyplývající ze zpráv na základě Scopus za obory nekonfliktně spadající do oboru EB (14. Business, Management and Accounting; 20. Economics, Econometrics and Finance) jsou zhruba obdobné s těmi, založenými  zprávě za obor EB na základě databáze WoS, které jsou dále popsána podrobně.  6.


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